Documentation forSolarWinds Observability SaaS

Verify and fix connection to the SolarWinds Observability OTel endpoint

The SWO K8s Collector must be able to connect to the SolarWinds Observability OTel endpoint. The main reasons that the SWO K8s Collector cannot connect to the OTel endpoint are a missing or invalid API token and firewall or access control issues.

Missing or invalid API token

To identify whether the API token is configured correctly, make sure the solarwinds-api-token secret in the Kubernetes namespace where the SWO K8s Collector is deployed is not missing or invalid.

  1. Run the following command to verify the solarwinds-api-token secret exists, replacing YourNamespace with the Kubernetes namespace where the SWO K8s Collector is deployed.

    kubectl get secret solarwinds-api-token -n=YourNamespace
  2. Run the following command in Bash with the yq tool to get the value of the API token stored in the solarwinds-api-token secret, replacing YourNamespace with the Kubernetes namespace where the SWO K8s Collector is deployed.

    kubectl get secrets solarwinds-api-token -n=YourNamespace -o yaml | yq e  ".data.SOLARWINDS_API_TOKEN" - | base64 -d
  3. Compare the API token value returned with the API token stored in SolarWinds Observability SaaS settings and make sure they're the same value. See the API Tokens settings page.

Firewall or access control settings block communications

Review your firewall or access control configuration and ensure it permits connections between the SWO K8s Collector and the SolarWinds Observability OTel endpoint ( (where xx-yy is determined by the URL you use to access SolarWinds Observability SaaS, described in Data centers and endpoint URIs).

See Firewall or access control requirements.