Documentation forSolarWinds Observability SaaS

Review your Helm chart configuration

If there is unexpected behavior unrelated to connection issues between the SWO K8s Collector and the SolarWinds Observability endpoint, verify whether the Helm chart is configured correctly. Use Bash with diff and the yq (v4.x) tool installed to compare the default Helm chart configuration with configuration.

  1. Run the following command to save the default Helm chart configuration to default_values.yaml.

    helm show values solarwinds/swo-k8s-collector > default_values.yaml
  2. Run the following command to save a copy of your current deployment configuration to installed_values.yaml, replacing YourNamespace with the Kubernetes namespace where the SWO K8s Collector is deployed.

    helm get values swo-k8s-collector -n=YourNamespace installed_values.yaml
  3. Run the following command to show any differences between your configuration and the default configuration.

    diff <(yq -P e '... comments=""' default_values.yaml) <(yq -P e '... comments=""' installed_values.yaml)
  4. Review each difference listed and verify whether the change was intentional or could be causing a problem. If you do not remember making the change, review the release notes for changes to default values in the Helm chart.

  5. If in your review you identify a setting that needs to be updated in your Helm chart configuration, modify the installed_values.yaml file accordingly. Use the following command to apply the new configuration, replacing YourNamespace with the Kubernetes namespace where the SWO K8s Collector is deployed.

    helm upgrade -f installed_values.yaml swo-k8s-collector solarwinds/swo-k8s-collector --namespace YourNamespace --cleanup-on-fail --atomic