Documentation forPatch Manager

Patch Manager 2025.1 System Requirements

Release date: February 11, 2025

SolarWinds strongly recommends that you install the SolarWinds Platform on a server that is neither public, nor internet-facing. To learn about best practices for configuring your SolarWinds Platform installation securely, see Secure Configuration for the SolarWinds Platform.

These system requirements define the minimum requirements for Patch Manager 2025.1. For additional information about requirements, see the Patch Manager Release Notes.

Server requirements

Set up your dedicated Patch Manager server using the following requirements.

Hardware or Software Requirements
CPU 32- or 64-bit 2.4 GHz Dual Core (minimum)

4 GB (minimum)

10 GB or higher (recommended)

Hard drive space

20 GB or higher

SolarWinds recommends 20 GB or higher of hard drive space to accommodate fluctuations in space requirements in a production environment.

Supported Production Operating System Without SolarWinds Platform Integration

(MMC console installation only)

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022

Supported Production Operating System With
SolarWinds Platform Integration

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022

Supported Evaluation Operating System

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Windows 10

Windows 11

Operating system languages English (UK or US)
.NET Framework

Version 4.8 for the SolarWinds Patch Manager server

Version 4.8 for the SolarWinds Platform integration module (SolarWinds Platform deployments only)

If the server is connected to the Internet, the installer updates Microsoft .NET Framework by default. If the server is not connected to the Internet, you must download .NET Framework from the Microsoft Support website and manually install it on the server.

Visual C++ Runtime

Visual C++ Secure Runtime 9.0 SP1

Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable (32- and 64-bit)

Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (32- and 64-bit)

Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (32- and 64-bit)

Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (32- and 64-bit)

SolarWinds Patch Manager installs this software if required.

WSUS requirements

You can configure Patch Manager with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)—a free plug-in for your Windows Server operating system that downloads software updates from the Microsoft Updates website. Patch Manager allows you to distribute these updates to your managed computers.

See the Microsoft Learn website for details about activating WSUS on your SolarWinds Patch Manager server.

Operating System Supported Versions
Windows Server 2012

WSUS 3.0 SP2 with Microsoft KB2734608

WSUS 6.0

WSUS 6.2

Windows Server 2012 R2 WSUS 6.3

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022


SCCM requirements

Optionally, you can configure Patch Manager with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)—a systems management application sold separately that manages computers in a corporate enterprise.

See Set up Patch Manager with SCCM in the Patch Manager Administrator Guide for details.

Software Requirements

SCCM 2007 SP2 or later

SCCM 2012

SCCM 2012 R2

SCCM 1511

SCCM 1606

SCCM 1610

SCCM 1702

SCCM 1706

SCCM 1710

SCCM 1801

SCCM 1802

SCCM 1806

SCCM 1810

SCCM 1902

SCCM 1906

SCCM 1910

SCCM 2002

SCCM 2006

SCCM 2010

SCCM 2103

SCCM 2107

SCCM 2111

SCCM 2203

Add support for SCCM 2103 and 2111

If you are running SCCM 2103 or 2111 in your deployment, see Third party packages do not display in the SCCM Console for details on how to display third party patches in the SCCM console.

SQL database server requirements

If you are using a remote SQL database server for the SolarWinds Patch Manager database, ensure that the server meets the following requirements.

See Patch Manager SQL account permissions for details about the SQL Server accounts and account permissions used in Patch Manager.

SQL High Availability is not supported in Patch Manager.
SQL Server Express supports managed computers in both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). For large enterprises where your data storage can grow beyond 10GB, SolarWinds recommends using a supported SQL Server version.
Hardware or Software Requirements

Dual processor, 3 GHz

Quad-processor, 2.67 GHz, 64-bit (for large networks)


8 GB (minimum)

16 GB (recommended)

Hard drive space 20 GB (minimum)

Compatible with Microsoft SQL Server instances running the following versions:

SQL Server 2012, 2012 SP1, 2012, SP2, or 2012 SP3

SQL Server 2014 or 2014 SP1

SQL Server 2016

SQL Server 2016 Express SP1

SQL Server 2016 SP2

SQL Server 2017

SQL Server 2019

SQL Server 2022

SQL Server 2016 or later is required for a SolarWinds Platform installation. SQL Server 2012 or later is required for a standalone installation.

Firewall requirements

Ensure that the Patch Manager server can access the following websites across your corporate firewall.

Website Description Provides access to the WSUS installer Provides access to third-party updates from SolarWinds Provides access to Windows updates, patches, and hotfixes from Microsoft Provides access to Patch Manager application updates in the Patch Manager MMC Console

Managed systems requirements

Ensure that all client systems managed by SolarWinds Patch Manager meets the following minimum requirements.

Hardware or Software Requirements

1.5 GHz (minimum)

Dual or Quad Core (recommended)


1 GB (minimum)

Operating system

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Windows 10

Windows Server 2008 R2 or 2008 SP2

Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022

SolarWinds Platform (SolarWinds Platform integration only)

When you integrate Patch Manager with the SolarWinds Platform, do not install Patch Manager, WSUS, and the Patch Manager Administrator Console on the SolarWinds Platform server, This configuration will impact the performance of your SolarWinds Platform-based applications.

SolarWinds Platform server requirements

See the SolarWinds Platform documentation for the latest SolarWinds Platform server requirements.

Additional Web Server requirements

Software Supported Versions
Patch Manager SolarWinds Platform
web user interface

Latest version

Beginning in Patch Manager 2.1.7, the Patch Manager web user interface no longer supports a SolarWinds Platform server running Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2.

Web console browser

See the SolarWinds platform requirements for details about the SolarWinds Platform Web Console browser requirements.

Port requirements

The following tables list the port requirements for the SolarWinds Patch Manager server and the Application Server.

SolarWinds does not recommend the use of HTTP (Port 80). Please use HTTPS (Port 443) to ensure that any web-related connections are secure.

Patch Manager server

Port Protocol Service/Process Direction Description
135 TCP RPC Endpoint Mapper Outbound Establishes WMI connections to remote computers. The server also uses this port to connect to the Service Control Manager (SCM) when it provisions the WMI providers dynamically on the remote computer.
389 TCP LDAP Outbound Provides the Active Directory authentications.
445 TCP SMB over TCP Outbound Provisions the WMI providers to a remote computer.
4092 TCP Console to server communication Bidirectional

Provides communications between:

  • Patch Manager servers
  • Patch Manager servers and the agents installed on client machines
54092 HTTP Server to service communication Inbound Provides unencrypted communications from the SolarWinds Platform Web Module to the Patch Manager Service
54093 HTTPS Server to service communication Inbound Provides encrypted communications from the SolarWinds Platform Web Module to the Patch Manager Service

Patch Manager client machines

Port Protocol Service/Process Direction Description
135 TCP RPC Endpoint Mapper Inbound Provides an SCM connection from the Patch Manager server.
445 TCP SMB over TCP Inbound Receives the WMI providers from the Patch Manager server.

Patch Manager clients with agents installed

Port Protocol Service/Process Direction Description
4092 TCP Console to Server Communications Bidirectional Provides a connection from the Patch Manager to the agent.

WSUS servers

Port Protocol Service/Process Direction Description
135 TCP RPC Endpoint
Inbound Retrieves additional data about WSUS.



TCP WSUS web service Inbound

Connects to the Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS).

The port assignment varies based on your IIS configuration. Ports 443 and 8531 are secure ports.

WMI requirements

The following table lists the WMI requirements required by systems running Windows operating systems to establish a successful WMI connection with a remote system.

Requirement Systems

Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)

File and Print Sharing

RPC Service

WMI Firewall Exception

Remote systems
Credentials with Local Administrator rights Remote systems in the credential ring
DCOM Local systems

WMI technology is based on DCOM / Remote Procedure Call (DCOM/RPC) communication. DCOM/RPC allocates the ports used by the server within a dynamic port range—typically between ports 1024 and 65536. To configure these ports using Windows Firewall on your managed computers, enable the Inbound Rules in the WMI group. See the Microsoft operating system documentation for details.

Ports 135, 445, and dynamic ports 1024 to 65536 must be open between Patch Manager and the remote system. See Port requirements for all SolarWinds products to review all Patch Manager ports.