Documentation forPatch Manager

Generate a custom report using Report Definition Builder

You can use the Report Definition Builder to create custom Patch Manager reports. For example, you can create a WSUS report that shows all pending updates in your environment, along with their update IDs and update revision numbers. By including these values, you can install the updates directly from Report Viewer.

Create a custom WSUS report

  1. Log in to the Patch Manager Administrator Console.
  2. In the navigation pane, expand Administrator and Reporting > Reporting > WSUS Reports.
  3. Under WSUS Reports, select a report category.
  4. In the center pane, select the type of report you want to create.
  5. In the Actions pane, click New Report.
  6. In the Report Definition Builder window, select the fields you want to include.
  7. Specify the column and sort order for your fields.
  8. Apply any filters you want to save in your report.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Enter a report name.
  11. Specify any scheduling preferences.
  12. Click Finish.

Create a custom report that includes all pending updates

  1. In the navigation pane, expand Administration and Reporting > Reporting > WSUS Reports.
  2. Select Windows Server Update Services Analytics.
  3. In the center pane, select Computer Update Status.
  4. Under Available Datasources, select Computer Update Status With Update Information.
  5. Under Available Field, Press Ctrl+click to select the following fields in this order:
    • Computer Name
    • Update Title
    • Update Installation State (Friendly Name)
    • Update ID
    • Update Revision Number
    • Name (Update Server)
  6. In the Actions pane (right), click New Report.
  7. Apply a sort preference to one of the columns:
    1. Click Not Sorted next to the column name.
    2. Point to Sort position 1, and then select a sort option.
  8. Add a filter to the report for updates that will install upon approval:
    1. Click [+] under Select the filter criteria for the report.
    2. Click Select Field for the new filter entry.
    3. Point to Computer Update Status With Update Information, and then select Update Approval Action (Friendly Name).
    4. Next to the new field name, click Select Operator, and then select equals.
    5. Next to the new operator, click Enter Value, and then select Enter Value.
    6. In the text box, enter Install.
  9. Add a filter to the report for updates with states that are not Installed or Unknown.
    1. Click [+] next to the existing filter.
    2. Click Select Field for the new filter entry.
    3. Point to Computer Update Status With Update Information, and then select Update Installation State (Friendly Name).
    4. Next to the new field name, click Select Operator, and then select does not equal.
    5. Next to the new operator, click Enter Value, and then select Enter Value.
    6. In the text box, enter Installed.
    7. Click the arrow to the left of this filter, and then select Place in New Group.
    8. Click [+] within the new group.
    9. Click Select Field for the new filter entry.
    10. Point to Computer Update Status With Update Information, and then select Update Installation State (Friendly Name).
    11. Next to the new field name, click Select Operator, and then select does not equal.
    12. Next to the new operator, click Enter Value, and then select Enter Value.
    13. In the text box, enter Unknown.
  10. Click Next.
  11. In the Report Name field, enter a unique name.

    For example, enter Computers to Update.

  12. Select Save and run report now.
  13. Click Finish.