Advanced Setup CLI commands
Use SetupHelper.exe
from the command line of any additional Patch Manager server on which the standard setup wizards have failed.
The default location for this program is:
%PROGRAMFILES%\SolarWinds\Patch Manager\Server\SetupHelper.exe
For onscreen instructions, run the program from the command line with the /? argument:
setuphelper /?
The following table lists the commands you can run in Patch Manager.
To perform this task... | Run this command... |
Add a Patch Manager server to the environment and automatically register with the PAS (obtain and install the required server certificates) | setuphelper /provisionserver /type primary
Add a Patch Manager server to the environment and locally install the required server certificates | setuphelper /provisionserver /type local
Add a service account to the environment | setuphelper /provisionserviceaccount <fullname of service account>
Create the first management group | setuphelper /createmgmtgroup "Managed Enterprise" /description "The Managed Enterprise Management Group" /addserver <deviceid>
The Patch Manager PAS device ID is located in the registry at |
Assign a server to a specific management group | setuphelper /assignservertomgmtgroup <managementGroupID> addserver <deviceID>
Remove the local server from the environment | setuphelper /unregisterserver
Reset the ACLs on a server | setuphelper /secureserver /rootdirectory "C:\Program Files\EminentWare" /serviceaccountname <fullname of service account> /sqlinstance THISMACHINE\EMINENTWARE
Reset the ACLs on a console-only installation | setuphelper /secureconsole /rootdirectory "C:\Program Files\EminentWare"
Re-provision the Patch Manager certificate | setuphelper /reprovisioncertificates
Uninstall Patch Manager | setuphelper /uninstall
Create a custom event log | setuphelper /createcustomeventlog
Remove the custom event log | setuphelper /deletecustomeventlog