Log Viewer licensing model
This topic applies only to the following products:
Monitor any networked SolarWinds Platform node in the Log Viewer with your product (NPM, NCM, SAM, UDT, VMAN) license plan.* In the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, check for available licenses by navigating to Settings > All Settings, and then clicking License Details in the Details pane. The License Details page lists all licensed SolarWinds Platform products, and the number of nodes currently consuming a license.
If you choose to take advantage of the free 30-day Log Analyzer (LA) evaluation, you will have unlimited LA licenses for Orion Platform nodes during the evaluation period. See LA and Log Viewer licensing explained.
When your LA evaluation expires*, you only have access to Log Viewer features. This means Log Viewer will continue to use SolarWinds Platform nodes for licenses, so you will receive message data, but you will not have access to live event streaming, the event histogram, event tagging, and more. Review the feature comparison here.
As part of the LA licensing framework, LA receives messages from all nodes the SolarWinds Platform manages. If you choose to purchase an LA license after your evaluation, the LA licensing framework combines SolarWinds Platform nodes with your LA licenses. For instance, if you have NPM SL100 and SAM AL100, and then register an LA100 license, you can monitor up to 300 nodes, but only receive messages from 100 nodes. Of the total (300) nodes, you can select which 100 nodes you would like to monitor in LA.
The SolarWinds Platform does not support using LA with one set of nodes, and Log Viewer on remaining nodes. In other words, if you have an LA10 license and a SAM AL100 license, you can monitor 10 nodes with LA, but you cannot monitor the other 90 with Log Viewer.
*SolarWinds Platform products must include the syslog and trap feature as part of the license plan.
Messages received from an unknown network node are discarded until you add the device through Node Management. When log activity is observed from an unknown device, you receive a notification in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console linking you to the Events page, where you can add the node as a managed device.
Enable or disable log and event monitoring
To adjust your node settings, edit the node properties, and then select one of the Log and Event Monitoring options.
In the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, navigate to Settings > Manage Nodes.
Select one or more nodes, and then click Edit Properties.
Scroll down to the Log and Event Monitoring section.
Choose one of the following options from the Status drop-down list:
Default: Monitoring will be enabled for this node on receipt of the first message.
The Default setting applies to syslog and SNMP trap messages only. VMware events must be manually set to Enabled or Disabled. Log monitoring is automatically enabled by log profile creation.
Enabled: Monitoring is enabled for this node.
Disabled: Monitoring is disabled for this node. Log and event data will be discarded for this node.
Click Submit.
You can also enable a node by selecting one or more nodes and clicking More Actions > Enable Log Monitoring.
Before removing a node, determine if it is collecting events from additional networked nodes that you want to continue monitoring. This action can result in loss of data from multiple nodes.