Documentation forSolarWinds Platform

SolarWinds Platform 2024.4 release notes

SolarWinds Platform RC documentation - The following content is a draft for a release candidate. All content subject to change. Some links might not function yet.

These release notes contain a description of features and functionality that SolarWinds intends to deliver in the next generally available release. However, SolarWinds reserves the right to remove, or otherwise elect not to deliver, such features and functionality from the final generally available release, and this is not a commitment of delivery.

RC release date: September 5, 2024

Here's what's new in SolarWinds Platform 2024.4.

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New features and improvements in SolarWinds Platform

Last updated:

Intelligent Map improvements

  • Support for bendy multi-point links between objects on the map
  • Bulk-clone maps in the user interfaces or via SDK.
  • Support for background images loaded from an external URL.

Modern Dashboard improvements

  • Dashboard tabs: You can create a tabbed dashboard experience within Modern Dashboards.
  • Global filters icon: You can filter out content of a dashboard to view relevant data without the need for heavy customization.
  • Breadcrumbs: When navigating to certain Modern Dashboard Details pages, use breadcrumbs to easily navigate back to the previous Modern Dashboard Summary page.
  • Locked header: Modern Dashboards can now have a locked header when you scroll down. This allows the title, tabs, and other items to remain on top of the page for easier navigation.
  • Custom home page: You can set a Modern Dashboard as the default Home Page View and default Summary View for users or groups. Users can thus be directed to a Modern Dashboard automatically when they log in to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console.

General improvements

  • Scalability and performance improvements, such as improved polling stability and decreased CPU load by polling services.
  • Stability improvements for SolarWinds Platform Agents.
  • Security and compliance improvements.

Other improvements

  • You can now see the full Windows Build version when monitoring Windows via WMI or SolarWinds Platform Agent. This was previously only available with Asset Inventory enabled.


Case number Description
01720807, 01721022

The CVE Node Matching process no longer fails with an error about a missing value for the 'Value' parameter.


The CVE Data Import no longer fails when run from an Azure SQL DB.

01641350, 01683715, 01696624

When the Job Engine executes the RemoveEmptyRouters method on an agent, it no longer returns the error FileNotFound Orion.Core.Common.dll.

01685988, 01691268

The Intelligent Map widget displays the Map name format field without requiring the user to clear the browser cache.


To improve the performance of world maps, the following changes have been implemented:

  • Elements that do not provide value (such as labels without titles or without coordinates) are automatically removed.
  • A health check warns you if multiple labels are assigned to the same coordinates.

Editing a map created from a device works as expected.


A user whose account name includes an apostrophe can view Intelligent Maps.


On Intelligent Maps, the colors of the Shutdown, External, Unknown, Unpluggable, and Unreachable status icons are no longer the same.


When an object on an Intelligent Map has label text defined by macros, the label text is not displayed when the map is opened on a modern dashboard.


When live updates are on for an Intelligent Map, the map is now updated when interface statuses or statistics change.

01725511, 01726109

If the SolarWinds Platform database is hosted on an Azure SQL DB or Azure SQL Managed Instance, the Configuration Wizard no longer fails with the error message Some of your modules (Platform Connect) don't support Azure database.


The SolarWinds Platform is compliant with .NET 4.0 STIG.


When you log in to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console through an additional web server and create or edit a map, audit map messages show the correct account ID instead of user SYSTEM.

00521556, 00905859, 01186796, 01690253

Downloading the Linux agent offline installer no longer fails when the system locale of the SolarWinds Platform server is German.


When IPv6 is disabled on a polling engine and the SolarWinds Agent is distributed through a Golden Master image, the agent configuration no longer contains the IPv6 loopback ::1.


If you display the Planned Alert Suppression column on the Managed Nodes page and then perform a search, the following error message is no longer displayed:

Server error: undefined
An error has occurred.

01692359, 01716314

New custom properties cannot be named OrionGroupName. In 2024,4 and later versions, OrionGroupName is reserved. For a list of all reserved terms, see this article.


The List Resources view is displayed correctly for nodes with agent polling.


When you select the New Diagnostics option, the Collect new diagnostics dialog lists nodes as well as polling engines.

01615945, 01672444

Data remaining from evaluations of earlier versions of NTA no longer prevents upgrading to current versions of SolarWinds Platform products.


When an additional polling engine installation is blocked because a centralized upgrade was started but not completed, the correct message is displayed.


Repairing the SolarWinds Administration Service (SWA) from the Control Panel no longer fails with an error because the required .msi file is missing.


Leaving a modern dashboard open without activity long enough for a session timeout does not result in the following error:

Server Error in '/apps' Application.
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: sessionId

01570767, 01639375

The Configuration Wizard works correctly when "Reconfigure database connection only" is selected.

01538369, 01570380, 01576376, 01595435, 01622914, 01676429

When a user upgrades from a legacy version of the Orion Platform that used Microsoft SQL 2014 or earlier as the database, database maintenance no longer fails with messages that database columns cannot be modified.


In the ServiceNow integration, the Impact drop-down is populated with the correct options instead of only None and High.


On the Manage Nodes page, the Group by option previously labeled "Status" is now labeled “Group by Node”. This change is to clarify that when Interfaces are selected, grouping by status groups the interfaces based on the status of the associated node.


The database was tuned to prevent problems with alerting.


When one or more nodes that are part of an anomaly-based alert become unmanaged, the alert works as expected.


Editing an anomaly-based alert and changing aspects other than the selected entities no longer results in issues such as the alert details page being empty or the previously selected entities no longer being selected.


When nodes related through topology trigger alerts, the AlertStack no longer fails to create a cluster with errors such as:

ERROR SolarWinds.AIIM.Issues.BusinessLayer.IssueBuilder.AlertNotificationProcessor - Process Alert Notification Failed System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.


When the SolarWinds Administration Service (SWA) uses a Powershell function to retrieve the hash value of a product catalog, it no longer returns an invalid value in some situations.


The custom property editor no longer treats null and empty as different values.


If the same node is added twice, with the first instance polled via WMI and the second by an agent, you can no longer edit the first instance and change the polling method to agent. This would cause polling to fail.

01580158, 01612572

When you are adding entities to a Perfstack chart and the list of entities loads slowly, the Add Entities dialog is no longer missing checkboxes, sorting options, and filters.


Database maintenance no longer removes all information about a triggered global alert from the database.


Users no longer require "Alert Management" rights (or higher-level Admin rights) to receive alert notifications in the Desktop Notification Tool. The "Allow Account to Clear/Acknowledge messages" permission is sufficient.

01592127, 01727337

On the All Active Alerts page, alerts can be sorted by the ServiceNow Incident Number column or the Assigned to column.


When a node is scheduled for maintenance mode in the future but not currently in maintenance mode, the drop-down command menu displays "Cancel Maintenance" instead of "Resume Alerts (Unmute)".


If a node is assigned to an additional polling engine (APE) and the APE becomes unreachable, users can still edit the value of custom properties on the node.

01574222, 01592661, 01606872

When you select specific nodes on the Manage Nodes page and choose Export Custom Property Values, the export file contains only the custom property values for the selected nodes, not values for all nodes.

01520455, 01616923

After an unsuccessful connection, active agents will wait approximately 60 seconds before another connection attempt, which reduces the load on a polling engine when a lot of active agents are trying to reconnect after a maintenance window.


When you select multiple nodes and schedule a maintenance window, the time of the window is displayed correctly.

01543990, 01579217

When "Send a GET or Post Request to a Web Server" is selected as an alert action and the HTTP post body is in JSON format, line breaks in variables no longer prevent the JSON from being parsed correctly, resulting in an error.

01453438, 01611647, 01689350, 01532709

When a Cisco Catalyst 8000 or Catalyst 8300 series device is monitored, the Machine Type includes the model number instead of identifying it only as Cisco.


When an Arista device is monitored, the Machine Type correctly identifies the vendor model number instead of identifying it as Aruba Networks.


The Management widgets on the Node Details and Volume Details pages no longer disregard custom language packs.


The SolarWinds Platform no longer reports incorrect CPU usage for some Cisco devices.


The SolarWinds Platform has been updated to more accurately report CPU usage on computers running Windows 8 and later.

01406414, 01668926

When a monitored node's IP address changes, the node is no longer assigned to the wrong agent.

00646136, 00646150, 00646569, 00650740, 00650833, 00779424, 00787283, 00980418, 01318694, 01382941, 01507343

Reports now show data for the selected time period.

01127916, 01226692, 01239247, 01243484

When a limitation is applied to an account, modern dashboards are displayed correctly for users who log in with that account.



Before you upgrade!

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Installation or upgrade

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For new SolarWinds Platform deployments, download the installation file from the SolarWinds Platform product page on or from the Customer Portal. For more information, see Get the installer.

For upgrades, go to Settings > My Deployment to initiate the upgrade. The SolarWinds Installer upgrades your entire deployment (all SolarWinds Platform products and any scalability engines).

For more information, see the SolarWinds Platform Product Installation and Upgrade Guide.

For supported upgrade paths to 2024.4, see Upgrade an existing deployment.

End of life

Last updated:

Version EoL announcement EoE effective date EoL effective date
2022.4 June 4, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SolarWinds Platform 2022.4 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SolarWinds Platform. July 4, 2024: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SolarWinds Platform 2022.4 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. July 4, 2025: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SolarWinds Platform 2022.4.
2022.3 February 6, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SolarWinds Platform 2022.3 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SolarWinds Platform. March 7, 2024: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SolarWinds Platform 2022.3 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. March 7, 2025: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SolarWinds Platform 2022.3.
2022.2 November 1, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SolarWinds Platform 2022.2 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SolarWinds Platform. December 1, 2023: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SolarWinds Platform 2022.2 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. December 1, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SolarWinds Platform 2022.2.

SolarWinds Platform 2024.4 is the last version that supports direct upgrades from SolarWinds Platform 2020.2.6. If you are still on SolarWinds Platform 2020.2.6, SolarWinds recommends you upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

See the End of Life Policy for information about SolarWinds product life cycle phases. To see EoL dates for earlier SolarWinds Platform versions, see SolarWinds Platform release history.

End of support

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This version of SolarWinds Platform no longer supports the following platforms and features.

Type Details
Remote Desktop Connection The Integrated Remote Desktop in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console is no longer supported.

Deprecation notice

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The following platforms and features are still supported in the current release. However, they will be unsupported in a future release. Plan on upgrading deprecated platforms, and avoid using deprecated features.

Type Details
Network Atlas

Network Atlas is deprecated as of Orion Platform 2020.2. It is still available and supported in the current release, but will be removed in a future release. Deprecation is an indication that you should avoid expanded use of this feature and formulate a plan to discontinue using the feature. SolarWinds recommends that you start using Intelligent Maps in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console to display maps of physical and logical relationships between entities monitored by the SolarWinds Platform products you have installed.

Starting with 2024.4, you can import Network Atlas maps to Intelligent Maps. See Import maps.

SolarWinds Platform products RC release notes

Hybrid Cloud Observability (all versions)

Network Management

Systems Management

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The SolarWinds, SolarWinds & Design, Orion, and THWACK trademarks are the exclusive property of SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC or its affiliates, are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. All other SolarWinds trademarks, service marks, and logos may be common law marks or are registered or pending registration. All other trademarks mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks of (and may be registered trademarks) of their respective companies.