Documentation forSolarWinds Platform

SolarWinds Platform 2024.1 release notes

Release date: February 6, 2024

Here's what's new in SolarWinds Platform 2024.1.

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New features and improvements in SolarWinds Platform

Wireless Heat Maps added to Intelligent Maps

Visualize wireless signal coverage on a building plan.

Increased hardening and more control of password requirements

To maximize security, new password requirements for local accounts have been added, such as enforced password complexity, the number of times a user can reuse a password, or the password length. You can specify some of these requirements in the centralized settings of the SolarWinds Platform. See Hardening account password requirements.

Other improvements

  • Improved Cloud Discovery
  • Improved SolarWinds Platform Agent stability and upgrade experience
  • Asset Inventory - agentless polling for Windows Updates uses WinRM and PowerShell instead of VB scripts
  • Improved alerting stability
  • Added support for FIPS-compliant RabbitMQ/Erlang

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Case number Description

Upgrades using the silent installer no longer fail because validation runs.


An ArgumentOutOfRangeException in the Job Engine no longer prevents IPAM from discovering subnets.

01386036, 01488478, 01489592, 01496085, 01498813

Opening Performance Analysis Dashboard (PerfStack) projects no longer causes performance problems such as high CPU usage on the server and slow page loading in the SolarWinds Web Console.


Variables included in alert definitions consistently return the correct results.


The Configuration Wizard no longer fails during an upgrade if it cannot write information about migrated credentials into the database. The issue is logged as a warning, and the configuration continues.

01445810, 01454252, 01477323

Clicking the link for more information in a license notification no longer returns a 404 error.

01311752, 01420880

An issue with the database has been fixed, and Meraki response time polling is no longer slow.


If ServiceNow has Authentication profile configuration, requests no longer fail with the message User Not Authenticated.


A problem with the Cisco Buffer Failures widgets that caused performance problems in the SolarWinds Web Console is fixed.


If the AllowSwaAutoUpdate centralized setting is set to false, the SolarWinds Administration Service is not automatically updated if the user opens the Updates page.


When you update an advanced configuration setting, a message on the Advanced Configuration page tells you if any services need to be restarted for the change to take effect and provides an option to restart those services.

01423823, 01447670

Container synchronization has been improved to prevent an issue that triggered HA failovers in environments with high latency between additional polling engines and the database.

01448901, 01451947

The performance of the UnManageUtility tool in large environments is improved.


If there is a delay in an alert action, the alert no longer retries the action, appearing to perform the same action multiple times.

01359496, 01403455, 01415926

A delay in one alert does not prevent other alerts from being triggered, cause a deadlock that stops alert processing, or block alert notifications for other alerts.


When a node with some traffic statistics is down, maps do not show connections as green, which would indicate that the node is up.


Intelligent Maps can be filtered using a custom property whose name includes special characters.


Multiple stored procedures were optimized to prevent deadlocks in the SolarWinds Platform database.


When a user's Windows or SAML group membership changes, information about the user's group limitations is updated in the SolarWinds Platform, and widgets display the correct data for that user.


The performance of the Administration Service has been improved to prevent it from consuming large amounts of CPU and other resources.


When you remove and then re-add a WSUS server from Patch Manager, that server is no longer listed multiple times in widgets on the SolarWinds Platform Patch Manager Summary page.


If an action is intentionally not executed when an alert is triggered (for example, because the action is disabled or paused), restarting the alerting service does not cause the action to be executed.


The SolarWinds Platform database no longer includes non-trusted foreign keys.


If index defragmentation fails, it no longer prevents database maintenance from completing.


The Database Details page is displayed correctly on Azure SQL.

01334092, 01467443

The OrionWeb.log file is no longer filled with warnings about a failure to open the registry key.


Users with the Allow map management privilege but without the Allow nodes management privilege can create maps.


When there are multiple polling engines and a disabled plug-in needs to be uninstalled, the correct agent management service uninstalls the plug-in.


If you open multiple user accounts in multiple tabs and edit one account, changes are applied to the correct account.


When you include a PerfStack chart in a report that is distributed as a PDF, the bottom of the chart is no longer cut off.


On the Node Details page, the time required to load the All Dependencies widget and all widgets associated with alerts has decreased, improving the performance of the SolarWinds Web Console.


In a large deployment, when you group nodes on the Manage Nodes page by a custom property, the page loads much faster.


PerfStack projects display data correctly after an upgrade. In early 2024.1 RC builds, the start and end times configured for the widgets were reset to have the same value, and therefore no data was displayed.


After the main polling engine is upgraded, centralized upgrades now continue upgrading scalability engines (additional polling engines, additional web servers, and high availability servers) as expected. In early 2024.1 RC builds, centralized upgrades stopped without upgrading scalability engines.


If an alert listed on the All Active Alerts page contains a custom property with a non-string value (for example, a date or Boolean value), searching that page no longer returns an error.


Group objects expand correctly when a search string contains RegEx.

01446587, 01492337

Database maintenance removes all temporary system files.


When a Windows agent loses connection with the SolarWinds platform for a long period, it resumes sending data when the connection is reestablished, and data collected while the agent was disconnected is synchronized to the SolarWinds Platform database.

01405069, 01465702

JobEngine performance has been improved to prevent an issue that resulted in jobs being canceled or removed from agents.


*Seed Router discovery now supports the most recent RFC standards used by device types like Cisco Catalyst 4500, Cisco CGR-2010, Cisco 4451X, and Arista devices. When a network includes newer devices like these, using Seed Router discovery no longer fails with the following error:

Unable to find subnets


*Unresponsive or slow agents in an environment with many agents no longer cause an issue with the JobEngine service. This issue could result in missed or delayed polling and agent nodes with a status of Unknown.

00940466, 01431391

Old .APKG files (Agent plugin packages) are now removed when SolarWinds Platform agents are upgraded.

*These issues were fixed after RC2, which was released on December 20, 2023. The fixes are available in the GA version, released February 6, 2024. If you installed an earlier build, upgrade to obtain the fixes.


SolarWinds would like to thank our Security Researchers below for reporting on the issue in a responsible manner and working with our security, product, and engineering teams to fix the vulnerability.

CVE-ID Vulnerability Title Description Severity Credit
CVE-2023-50395 SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability was found using an update statement in the SolarWinds Platform. This vulnerability requires user authentication to be exploited and has not been reported outside of the initial report by the researcher. 8.0 High Piotr Bazydlo (@chudypb) of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative
CVE-2023-35188 SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability was found using an create statement in the SolarWinds Platform. This vulnerability requires user authentication to be exploited and has not been reported outside of the initial report by the researcher. 8.0 High Piotr Bazydlo (@chudypb) of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative

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Installation or upgrade

For new SolarWinds Platform deployments, download the installation file from the SolarWinds Platform product page on or from the Customer Portal. For more information, see Get the installer.

For upgrades, go to Settings > My Deployment to initiate the upgrade. The SolarWinds Installer upgrades your entire deployment (all SolarWinds Platform products and any scalability engines).

For more information, see the SolarWinds Platform Product Installation and Upgrade Guide.

For supported upgrade paths to 2024.1, see Upgrade an existing deployment.

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Known issues

Nodes displayed as unknown on Network Atlas maps in web console widgets

When you add a node on a map in the Network Atlas (node status is up, icon is green) and refresh the map in the Map widget in the web console, the map is updated to include the newly added node but the node icon is gray indicating that the node status is unknown.

Resolution or workaround: Upgrade to 2024.2. See SolarWinds Platform 2024.2 release notes.

Icons issues after the upgrade to 2024.1

When you upgrade to 2024.1, node icons on alerting pages are not displayed correctly in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console.

Resolution or workaround: This issue will be fixed in a future version.

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End of life

Version EOL Announcements EOE Effective Dates EOL Effective Dates
2022.3 February 6, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SolarWinds Platform 2022.3 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SolarWinds Platform. March 7, 2024: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SolarWinds Platform 2022.3 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. March 7, 2025: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SolarWinds Platform 2022.3.
2022.2 November 1, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SolarWinds Platform 2022.2 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SolarWinds Platform. December 1, 2023: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SolarWinds Platform 2022.2 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. December 1, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SolarWinds Platform 2022.2.
2020.2.6 April 18, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on Orion Platform 2020.2.6 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SolarWinds Platform. May 18, 2023: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for Orion Platform 2020.2.6 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. May 18, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for Orion Platform 2020.2.6.
2020.2.5 January 18, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on Orion Platform 2020.2.5 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SolarWinds Platform. February 17, 2023: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for Orion Platform 2020.2.5 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. February 17, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for Orion Platform 2020.2.5.

See the End of Life Policy for information about SolarWinds product life cycle phases. To see EoL dates for earlier SolarWinds Platform versions, see SolarWinds Platform release history.

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Deprecation notice

The following platforms and features are still supported in the current release. However, they will be unsupported in a future release. Plan on upgrading deprecated platforms, and avoid using deprecated features.

Type Details
Network Atlas

Network Atlas is deprecated as of Orion Platform 2020.2. It is still available and supported in the current release, but will be removed in a future release. Deprecation is an indication that you should avoid expanded use of this feature and formulate a plan to discontinue using the feature. SolarWinds recommends that you start using Intelligent Maps in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console to display maps of physical and logical relationships between entities monitored by the SolarWinds Platform products you have installed.

Port 17778

SWIS REST Endpoint on port 17778 is deprecated as of 2023.1 and will be replaced with port 17774 in a future release. SolarWinds recommends that you start migrating SWIS REST Endpoint to port 17774. See Enable/disable the SWIS endpoint port.

If you are using DPAIM, make sure you are running DPA 2024.2 or later to switch to port 17774. Earlier DPA versions cannot send data to DPAIM on port 17774. See Specify the port DPA uses... for more information.

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SolarWinds Platform products release notes

Hybrid Cloud Observability (all versions)

Network Management

Systems Management

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