Documentation forSolarWinds Platform

Manage alert actions in the SolarWinds Platform

This SolarWinds Platform topic applies only to the following products:

Hybrid Cloud Observability EssentialsHybrid Cloud Observability Advanced


You can edit, test, enable, disable, and delete alert actions from the Action Manager.

In the Action Manager, you can perform bulk actions and assign previously created actions to alerts. You can also view meta data about the action to help troubleshoot alert actions from a single area instead of trying to find the action in an alert.

Access the Action Manager

  1. In SolarWinds Platform Web Console, click Alerts & Activity.

  2. On All Active Alerts, click Manage Alerts in the top right.

  3. Now on Manage Alerts, activate the Action Manager tab.

Edit actions

Edit options depend on the action. See the action in question in the list of available alert actions.

Test actions

  1. Select the action, and click Test.
  2. Select a node to test it on, and click Execute.

See Test alert actions for more details.

Assign an action to an alert

You can use actions that you have already configured in multiple alerts. For example, if you have configured an action to email emergency response teams, you can assign this action to multiple alerts. When you assign an alert, it is added to the highest escalation level.

Enable and Disable Alerts

Use the On/Off toggle or select an alert and click Enable/Disable to enable or disable alerts.

Alerts must be enabled to be evaluated. For example, if an alert is scheduled to run for a short period of time each year, it must be enabled so the schedule runs. A disabled alert will not be evaluated, even if it is scheduled to run.

Pause/resume actions of all alerts

Pausing alert actions might be useful for example when you change node status calculation and need to adjust alerts based on node status.

Pausing alert actions does not stop alert actions, it just postpones their execution until you resume executing alert actions again. When alert actions are resumed, actions for alerts that are in the triggered state or are not reset yet since you paused alert actions will trigger simultaneously.

  1. In the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, click Alerts & Activity > Alerts to navigate to All Active Alerts page.

  2. In the top right corner, click More > Pause actions of all alerts.

    Executing all alert actions will be paused until you clear the box or click Resume in the warning box on the top of the All Active Alerts page.

  3. Restart the Alerting service. All alerts that triggered in the time period when alert actions were paused will trigger.