Documentation forSQL Sentry

Upgrading the SolarWinds Platform Installer for SQL Sentry

Preview Feature Availability:The Solarwinds Platform Installer for SQL Sentry is available as a preview installation for SQL Sentry versions 2022.4 and later.
Warning:  The SolarWinds Platform Installer for SQL Sentry is available as a preview installation for SQL Sentry and does not support all features such as site configuration.

Upgrade the SolarWinds Platform Installer framework to keep your SQL Sentry estate updated with the most recent features and fixes. To upgrade your SolarWinds Platform Installer for SQL Sentry installation, complete the following steps:

1. Download the new versions of the SolarWinds Platform Installer Central Service (Web API), Agent, and Client Launchpad from the SolarWinds Customer Portal.

2. Open an administrator Command prompt window and connect to the SolarWinds.Platform.Installer.CLI file location. Note:  The SolarWinds.Platform.Installer.CLI file location is C:\Program Files\SolarWinds Platform Installer\CLI by default.

swepi connect --url http://localhost:3600

3. Add the new Agent.MSI component path to the Central Service:

swepi system add --componentFilePath "C:\Users\jesse\Downloads\Swepi.2023.1\SolarWindsPlatformInstaller.2023.1\SolarWindsPlatformInstaller.Agent.Setup.msi"

4. Add the new ClientLaunchpad.MSI component path to the Central Service:

swepi system add --componentFilePath "C:\Users\jesse\Downloads\Swepi.2023.1\SolarWindsPlatformInstaller.2023.1\SolarWindsPlatformInstaller.ClientLaunchpad.Setup.msi"

5. Remotely upgrade all of the agents connected to the Central Service:

swepi system upgrade --componentName Agent
Note:  If you want to upgrade your remote agents individually, you can use the following command:

swepi system upgrade --componentName  Agent --targetName <agentName>

6. Upgrade any connected Client Launchpads:

swepi system upgrade --componentName ClientLaunchpad
Note:  Any Client Launchpads that aren't open at the time of the upgrade will be upgraded the next time they are opened.

7. Verify that the agents are back online after the upgrade:

swepi agent list

8. Stop the SolarWinds Platform Installer Central Service on your Central location. Select Services, right click SolarWinds Platform Installer Central Service, and then select stop.  

Note:  You can also stop the SolarWinds Platform Installer Central Service in an Administrator Command Prompt window with the SC Stop PlatformInstallerCentralService command. 

9. Run the newly downloaded version of the SolarWinds.PlatformInstaller.Setup.msi. 

Warning:  You must use the same address and port that were used in your previous installation. If you don't know the values used, you can check the file at C:\Program Files\SolarWinds Platform Installer\WebApi\appsettings.json in the Kestrel.Endpoints.Http.Url field. 

For example, the value there may be http://localhost:80 . The address would be http://localhost and the port would be 80.

Success: After completing the installation, the Central Service will be upgraded and will start.