Add the SQL Sentry Database to an Availability Group
permission is required to host your SQL Sentry database on an Availability Group.To add an existing SQL Sentry database to an Availability Group in your environment, complete the following steps:
Registering your Listener Connection
1. Complete the following for your installation type:
EPI Installation
- Open Windows Powershell and use the so stopms -n <connectionName> --all command to stop all SentryOne Monitoring Service(s).
so stopms-n LHP85 --all
Unified Installation
1. Open Windows Services on your Monitoring Service machine(s) and Stop the SentryOne Monitoring Service.
2. Open the SQL Sentry client, and select Help > Manage Licenses to open the SolarWinds License Manager.
3. Select the applicable license(s), and then select Deactivate.
4. Join the SQL Sentry database to your Availability Group.
5. In the SQL Sentry client, select File > Connect to open the SolarWinds SQL Sentry database Connection Management window.
6. Select + Add New Connection to add your listener connection.
7. Enter the friendly name under Name, enter the listener name under Server Name, and enter the existing SQL Sentry database under Database Name. Select Connect to test your connection, and then select Save to save the listener connection.
8. Close the SQL Sentry client for your previous connection.
Configuring the Monitoring Services
Configure your SentryOne Monitoring Service(s) to connect through the listener with the Unified Installer or EPI Installer:
Unified Installation
1. Select Start > SolarWinds SQL Sentry> Service Configuration to open the SQL Sentry Service Configuration Manager.
2. Enter the listener connection information, and then select Ok to connect the monitoring service to the listener.
3. Repeat step 2 for each monitoring service that will connect to the listener.
EPI Installation
1. Open Windows Powershell as an Administrator.
2. Use so uninstall -n <connectionName> to uninstall the controller service and monitoring service. Repeat this command for each monitoring service connection.
so uninstall -n LHP85
3. Use so addreg -n <connectionName> --serverName <AG listener> --databaseName <dbName> to create a new registration for the listener.
so addreg -n ag1-listener --ag1-listener --SQLSentryDB SQLSentryDB
4. Use so install -n <listenerConnectionName> --IAcceptLicenseTerms -u <serviceAccount> -p <passwordClearText> to install the monitoring and controller services.
so install -n ag1-listener --IAcceptLicenseTerms -u JesseRemoteAgentUser -p TempPAssWord!
Activating Licenses
1. Stop all SentryOne Monitoring Services for the Unified installation or EPI installation:
EPI Installation
- Use so stopms -n <connectionName> --all to stop the monitoring service connections.
so stopms -n ag1-listener --all
Unified Installation
- Log onto each machine and stop the Monitoring Service.
2. Open the SQL Sentry client and connect to your listener connection. Select Help > Manage Licenses to open the SolarWinds License Manager.
3. Select the applicable license and then select Activate to activate your license.
4. Start the SentryOne Monitoring Service(s):
Unified Installation
- Open Windows Services for your machine(s) and start the SentryOne Monitoring Service.
EPI Installation
- Use the so startms -n <connectionName> --all command to start the SentryOne Monitoring Service(s).
so startms -n ag1-listener --all