Documentation forSQL Sentry

Relocating the SQL Sentry Database

Important:  SQL Sentry versions 2021.8 or later are licensed with a SolarWinds license through the SolarWinds License Manager. SQL Sentry versions before 2021.8 are licensed with a SentryOne license.

Moving the SQL Sentry database to a new SQL Server Instance

Warning:  Moving the SQL Sentry database to a new instance before completing these steps will invalidate your license. If you have invalidated your license, you need to log onto the SolarWinds Customer Portal and submit a ticket to have your license reactivated.

To move your SQL Sentry database to a different instance for EPI and non-EPI versions of SQL Sentry Versions 2021.8 or above, complete the following steps.

Share steps for Unified Installer and EPI

1. Open Windows Services on the monitoring service machine(s) and then stop the SentryOne Monitoring Service.

2. Perform a backup of the SQL Sentry database.

3. Select Help > Manage Licenses to open the SolarWinds License Manager.

4. Select the license for your current SQL Sentry database installation, and then select Deactivate. Close the SQL Sentry Client.

5. Move the SQL Sentry database to the new instance.

Remaining Unified Installer Steps

  1. Open the SQL Sentry client on any machine with a SentryOne monitoring service. After failing to locate the SQL Sentry database, the Connect window appears. Enter the new location of the SQL Sentry database. The SQL Sentry client alerts you that it needs to be restarted to connect to the new SQL Sentrydatabase. Upon restarting, you are asked for the new license key.

  2. In the SQL Sentry Client, select Help > Manage Licenses to open the SolarWinds License Manager.

  3. Activate your SQL Sentry license on the new instance.

  4. After successfully applying the license and starting the SQL Sentry client, run the Service Configuration Utility, pointing the monitoring service at the new SQL Sentry database. The Service Configuration Utility is found in the SQL Sentry program group. After running the Service Configuration Utility, restart the monitoring service.

Success: You have successfully moved your SQL Sentry database to a new instance!

Remaining EPI Steps

6. Uninstall the SQL Sentry Monitoring Service(s) from the old SQL Sentry database machine: 

1. Use the uninstallms command to uninstall the Monitoring Service.

so uninstallms -n <connectioName> -s <monitoringServiceServerFQDN> 

7. Install the SQL Sentry Monitoring Service and client on the new instance(s). 

1. Add the new registration.

so addreg -n <connectionName> --connectionServer <serverName> --connectionDatabase <databaseName> 

2. Re-install the services.

so install --IAcceptLicenseTerms -n <connectionName> -u <serviceAccount> -p <password>
Note:  Repeat these steps on all machines with a SQL Sentry controller service or monitoring service.
Additional Information: See the EPI article for guidance on using these commands.

8. Stop the SentryOne Monitoring Service(s).

9. Open the SQL Sentry Client and select Help > Manage Licenses to open the SolarWinds License Manager.

10. Activate your SQL Sentry license on the new instance.

11. Start the SentryOne Monitoring Service.

12. Open the SQL Sentry Client and move the Monitoring Service to the correct Site.

13. Open the SQL Sentry Client and connect to an installation.

Success: You have successfully moved your SQL Sentry database to a new instance!

Moving the SentryOne database to a new SQL Server instance

Deprecated:  This section applies only to SentryOne-branded versions of SQL Sentry (earlier than 2021.8).

Shared steps:

These steps are the same for the EPI and non-EPI versions of SentryOne. Move the SentryOne database to a new SQL Server instance by completing the following steps:

  1. Obtain the new Server Name or Group_ID that you plan to host your SentryOne database on. This is used to regenerate your license key because it's based on one of these values.
    1. If you plan to use a standalone or Failover Cluster instance for hosting your SentryOne database then you can get the Server Name by running the following T-SQL statement SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('SERVERNAME').
    2. If you plan to host your SentryOne database in an Availability Group then you can get the Group_ID by running the following T-SQL statement: SELECT group_id as AG_ID, name
      FROM sys.availability_groups.
  2. Login to the Customer Portal and go to the License Maintenance section. Select View / Modify Existing SentryOne Licenses and complete the following:         
    1. In the Perpetual Licenses section your SentryOne license is listed. Select the plus symbol next to the instance name to expand the license management options.
    2. Select the License Configuration tab.
    3. In the SQL Server Instance Name field enter the new instance name from step one.
    4. In the Reason For Change field, enter a reason for the change.
    5. Select Update and the license is automatically emailed to you.
  3. Once you've received the new key, shut down all SentryOne clients and SentryOne monitoring services.
  4. Perform a full backup of the SentryOne database.
  5. Set the SentryOne Databases to Offline.
  6. Restore the SentryOne database to the new location that's used to host the SentryOne database.

Next steps:  non-EPI

  1. Open the SentryOne client on any machine with a SentryOne monitoring service. After failing to locate the SentryOne database, the Connect window appears. Enter the new location of the SentryOne database. The SentryOne client alerts you that it needs to be restarted to connect to the new SentryOne database. Upon restarting, you are asked for the new license key.
  2. After successfully applying the license and starting the SentryOne client, run the Service Configuration Utility, pointing the monitoring service at the new SentryOne database. The Service Configuration Utility is found in the SentryOne program group. After running the Service Configuration Utility, restart the monitoring service.
Note:  Repeat steps 7 and 8 on all machines with SentryOne monitoring services. You won't be asked for the license again. You may now start any other SentryOne client and enter the new SentryOne database location when asked.

Next steps:  EPI

  1. Uninstall the services:
    so uninstall -n <connectionName>
  2. Add the new registration
    so addreg -n <connectionName> --connectionServer <serverName> --connectionDatabase <databaseName> 
  3. Re-install the services
    so install -n <connectionName> -u <serviceAccount> 
Note:  Repeat steps 7, 8, and 9 on all machines with a SentryOne controller service or monitoring service.
Additional Information: See the EPI article for guidance on using these commands.

Final steps

Once you have validated that the SentryOne platform is working as planned with the database on the new server, you can remove the old database from the server that was hosting it.

Success: Your SentryOne database has been relocated.
Important:  Don't forget to set up SentryOne database maintenance on the new server.

Removing an old server from the All Instances view

Remove an old server from the All Instances view to stop prompts about it when opening the SentryOne client by completing the following steps:

  1. Select the server name of the server you'd like to remove in the Please Specify the Server Name drop-down list, and then press Shift + Delete. 
  2. The new server should now be the only one listed in the drop-down list. Select the Connect command and connect to the new installation.

 Success: The next time you open the client it will automatically connect to the new installation.