Documentation forSQL Sentry

Plan Explorer Results


Statement Section

The top section of the Results tab contains the Statement section or Statements tree. The Statement section represents one of the biggest differences between Plan Explorer and SSMS. Its function is critical when navigating multi-statement plans. It shows a logical breakdown of the entire plan tree, including all control structures, nested procedure calls, and estimated and/or actual metrics for each statement, including operation counts.

Common Operations

  • Select any statement in the grid to show the associated plan for that statement.
  • Select any control structure (If or While), or Exec higher up the tree to see a filtered view of the plan starting from that point.
  • Sort the statements list and the highest cost trees, and statements immediately bubble up to the top.

Context Menu Commands

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Results context menu options

Command Description
Show Captured Statements Only Note:  Applicable to only .queryanalysis files that originate in the SQL Sentry Performance Analysis integrated version of Plan Explorer.

In the integrated version of Plan Explorer only statements that exceed the trace filters display by default. If a statement is part of the query call stack, but doesn't exceed the filters it's hidden. This helps you in quickly identifying the costliest parts of the query. Unchecking this option shows the entire query call stack.

Show Hidden Captured Statements Note:  Applicable to only .queryanalysis files that originated in the SQL Sentry Performance Analysis integrated version of Plan Explorer. In the integrated version of Plan Explorer, you're able to hide statements in the Statements tree. If checked, those statements are no longer hidden.
Expand Subtree Expands all the child nodes of the selected statement.
Expand All Expands the entire Statement tree.
Collapse All Collapses the entire Statement tree.
Edit Connection Allows you to edit the SQL Server connection. 
Copy > Copies the cell, row, or all query information to the clipboard. 
Copy Statement to Command Text Copies the selected statement to the Command Text tab, overwriting any text currently in the tab.
Copy All Statements to Command Text Copies all statements belonging to the query call stack over to the Command Text tab.
Note:  When using a column filter that uses a percent value, use a decimal value for the filter. For example, if you'd like the filter to be 50 percent, use 0.5.

General Query and Plan Info Section

The General Query and Plan Information section is in the center panel by default. It contains the Text Data tab and the Plan XML tab.

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Text Data tab

Common Operations

  • If you modify the query in the Command Text tab, the query text and XML synchronize when you generate a new Estimated or Actual Plan from the toolbar.
  • The T-SQL statements synchronize with the Statements tree, meaning that if you select a row on the Tree view it auto-selects the associated T-SQL statement and its execution plan, and vice versa.

Context Menu Options

Command Text Panel

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Command Text tab context menu options

Command Description
Undo Allows you the undo pasting the recent query. 
Cut Cuts the selected text to the clipboard.
Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the selected text from the clipboard. 
Select All Selects the text in the active tab.
Save SQL Saves the text data as a .sql file.
Word Wrap Wraps text to the current width of the panel.
Edit Connection  Allows you to edit the SQL Server connection.

Text Data Panel

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Text Data tab context menu options

Command Description
Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
Select All Selects the text in the active tab.
Copy to Command Text Copies the selected information to the Command Text tab, overwriting any text currently in the tab.
Save SQL Saves the text data as a .sql file
Word Wrap Wraps text to the current width of the panel. 
Open Allows you to open a new Plan Explorer session.

Plan XML Panel

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Plan XML tab context menu options

Command Description
Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
Paste Plan XML Allows you to paste a new plan.
Select All Selects the text in the active tab.
Save Execution Plan Saves the current execution plan.
Word Wrap Wraps text to the current width of the panel.

Plan Details

Plan Explorer offers several options and styles that can be applied to the Plan Diagram. When a plan is saved, these visual plan properties are maintained as part of the Plan Explorer session. Create a very specific view of the Plan Diagram for sharing and troubleshooting purposes. For a complete rundown of this feature, see the Plan Explorer PRO 2.5: Query plans your way blog post.

Plan Diagram Toolbar

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Plan Layout Control

Option Description
Zoom Scales the Plan Diagram between six percent and 400 percent of its original size. Use CTRL + Mouse Wheel to perform this operation.
Filter Filter nodes from the Plan Diagram based on cost.
Stretch Stretches the links between Plan Diagram nodes.
Flatten Flattens the space between node levels in the Plan Diagram.
Mode There are several modes available that change the layout of the entire Plan Diagram.
Link Style The Link Style used between nodes in the Plan Diagram.
Rotation Rotates the entire Plan Diagram 90 degrees.
Auto-Fit Automatically fits the plan in the Plan Diagram tab. 
Defaults All Plan Diagram options are reset.

Plan Diagram Context Menu

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Plan Diagram context menu options

Command Description
Actual Costs Shows metrics captured during Actual Plan retrieval.
Estimated Costs Shows metrics associated with the Estimated Plan.
Show Per Node Costs The default view, costs are per node, representing each individual nodes contribution to the total cost.
Show Cumulative Costs Costs are cumulative, representing each individual nodes contribution plus the contribution of any of its children.
Costs By I/O—Show costs by I/O
CPU—Show costs by CPU
CPU + I/O—Show costs by CPU +I/O
Line Widths By Rows
Data Size (MB)
Show Color Scale Node costs are highlighted with an appropriate color scale, ranging from a light yellow to red.
Show Nested Procedures Shows nested procedures.
Show Full Object Names Objects are represented with full object names.
Expand Expressions Expands all expressions. 
Copy Output List Copies the output list to the clipboard. 
Missing Index Details Displays the index details.
Expand All Subnodes Expands all the subnodes.
Show Plan Layout Control Shows the layout controls. 
Zoom Various options for zooming in and out. Alternatively, use CTRL + Mouse Wheel.

Plan Tree

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Plan Tree Tab

The Plan Tree tab contains a tree representation of the plan's operations and associated metrics. Use the arrows to expand and collapse sections of the Plan Tree. Right-click any column header, and use the Column Chooser command to access additional plan metrics. Any significant differences between estimates and actuals are highlighted, as are possible problematic operations like scans and bookmark lookups.

Context Menu Options

Option Description
Copy > Cell Copies the selected cell.
Copy > Row Copies the selected row.
Copy > All Copies all column data. 

Top Operations

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Top Operations Tab

The Top Operations tab contains a sortable list view of all plan operations. The List view is sorted by total cost descending by default so you can immediately see which operations are the highest cost.

Context Menu Options

Option Description
Copy > Cell Copies the selected cell.
Copy > Row Copies the selected row.
Copy > All Copies all column data. 

Query Columns

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Query Columns Tab

The Query Columns tab shows exactly how data is accessed for each column used by the query, including the associated operation and estimated rows. This view helps you identify bookmark lookups or index scans occurring due to non-covering indexes. Columns for related operations are grouped together (indicated by a thick separator bar), with the indexes used and bookmark (key / rid) lookup columns highlighted in orange. This helps you see how indexes can be modified to eliminate lookups.

Join Diagram

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Join Diagram Tab

If there are joins present in the query, the Join Diagram tab is present, showing a visual representation of the joins involved. This is like the database diagram or Query Designer features within the Management Studio, but it only shows the columns that actively participate in joins. Plan Explorer looks past any views and shows the base tables and base columns, making it quicker to analyze queries that involve, for example, nested views.


SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab shows compiled and runtime parameters referenced in the plan, if any exist (otherwise the tab isn't visible). An Estimated Plan only shows the compiled parameter value. An Actual Plan compares compiled values with runtime that can in turn help point out potential parameter sniffing issues.


SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Expressions Tab

If there are any expressions in the plan the Expressions tab is present. You can see the operator type, the shorthand expression name, and the expanded version of the expression, as well as any other expressions that reference it or are referenced by it, allowing you to quickly see if you're performing the same operations repeatedly.

Context Menu Options

Option Description
Copy > Cell Copies the selected cell.
Copy > Row Copies the selected row.
Copy > All Copies all column data. 

Table I/O

SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Table IO Tab

The Table I/O tab is present for Actual Plans. This tab breaks down all the reads from a query by object, making it easy to see where most of your I/O is coming from.

Plan Diagram Icons

The following is a list of the icons, and what they signify in Plan Explorer :


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Adaptive Join Adaptive join
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Aggregate Aggregate
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Arithmetic Expression Arithmetic Expression
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Assert Assert
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Assign Assign


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Build Batch Hatch Table Build Batch Hatch table
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Bitmap Bitmap
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Bookmark Lookup Bookmark Lookup


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Clustered index delete Clustered index delete
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Clustered index insert Clustered index insert
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Clustered index merge Clustered index merge
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Clustered index scan Clustered index scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Clustered index seek Clustered index seek
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Clustered index update Clustered index update
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Collapse Collapse
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Column Store index delete Column Store index delete
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Column Store index insert Column Store index insert
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Column Store index merge Column Store index merge
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Column Store index scan Column Store index scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Column Store index update Column Store index update
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Compute Scalar Compute Scalar
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Concatenation Concatenation
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Condition Condition
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Constant Scan Constant Scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Convert Convert
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Cursor Cursor


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Declare Declare
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Delete Delete
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Deleted Scan Deleted Scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Distribute Stream Distribute Stream
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Dynamic Dynamic


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Fast Forward Fast Forward
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Fetch Query Fetch Query
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Filter Filter
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Foreign key reference Foreign key reference


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Hash Match Hash Match / Hash Match Aggregation / Hash Match Union
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Hash Match Root Hash Match Root
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Hash Match Team Hash Match Team


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Index delete Index Delete
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Index insert Index Insert
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Index scan Index Scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Index seek Index Seek
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Index spool Index Spool
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Index update Index Update
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Insert Insert
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Inserted Scan Inserted Scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Intrinsic Intrinsic
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Iterator Iterator / Iterator Catch All


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Key Lookup Key Lookup
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Key Set Key Set


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Locate Locate
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Logical Op Distribute Streams Logical Op Distribute Streams
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Logical Op Reparation Streams Logical Op Reparation Streams
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Log Row Scan Log Row Scan


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Merge Merge
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Merge Interval Merge Interval
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Merge Join Merge Join

N -O

Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Nested Loops Nested Loops
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Overlay Batch Mode Overlay Batch Mode
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Overlay Batch Mode Parallel Overlay Batch Mode Parallel
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Overlay Error Overlay Error
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Overlay Information Overlay Information
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Overlay Parallel Overlay Parallel
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Overlay Warning Overlay Warning


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Parallelism Parallelism
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Parameter Table Scan Parameter Table Scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Population Query Population Query
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Print Print
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Put Put


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Rank Rank
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Refersh Query Refresh Query
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Remote Delete Remote Delete
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Remote Index Scan Remote Index Scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Remote Index Seek Remote Index Seek
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Remote Insert Remote insert
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Remote Query Remote Query
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Remote Scan Remote Scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Remote Update Remote Update
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Repartition Stream Repartition Stream
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Result Result
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer RID Lookup RID Lookup
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Row Count Spool Row Count Spool


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Segment Segment
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Select Select
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Select Into Select Into
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Sequence Sequence
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Sequence Project Sequence Project
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Set Function Set Function
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Snapshot Snapshot
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Sort Sort
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Split Split
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Spool Spool
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Stream Aggregate Stream Aggregate
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Switch Switch


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Table Delete Table Delete
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Table insert Table Insert
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Table Merge Table Merge
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Table Scan Table Scan
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Table Spool Table Spool
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Table Update Table Update
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Table Value Function Table Value Function
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Top Top
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer TSQL TSQL


Icon Description
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer UDX UDX
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Unknown Unknown
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Update Update
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Window Aggregate Window Aggregate
SQL Sentry Plan Explorer Window Spool Window Spool