Documentation forSQL Sentry

SQL Sentry Data Grids & Filters


On the different tabs in SQL Sentry, various types of grids are used to display data. The grids contain information applicable to the tab they are on. These grids are customizable and provide the user with a variety of organizational methods.

Customize your available grids in SQL Sentry. Add additional columns to the desired grid by right clicking the column header and then selecting Column Chooser to open the Column Chooser.

SQL Sentry Loader Backup Runs Column Chooser

Group by

Many of the grids found in SQL Sentry can be grouped by column fields. To group grids by column fields, drag the column to the title area of the grid. This groups all of the data into the respective categories of the column selected. The Group By function can also be used by right-clicking on the column header and selecting the option from the menu.

Group by headerGroup the queries by dragging a header into the Group by box.

Group by a column header

Hide the Group by box by right clicking the Group by area, and then selecting Hide Group by box from the context menu.

Hide Group by Box


The grids that are shown in SQL Sentry can be sorted easily to organize data. Select the column header to automatically sort according to the values in that column.  

Sort by Column Header

Selecting the same column again toggles between ascending and descending order for data in that field. This can also be done by right clicking the column header and selecting Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.

Sort Ascending or Descending context menu options

You can also sort rows by ascending or descending order by selecting the arrow icon on the desired column header.

SQL Sentry sorting selector


A filter can be used along with different sorting methods to organize data on many of the fields found on grids in SQL Sentry. The filters show up on applicable column headers on the top right side of the cell when the mouse is hovering over it. Choose the filter by selecting the small filter button, which brings up the filter menu options.  

SQL Sentry Column Filter

Filter Editor is also available by right-clicking the desired column header. This feature allows the user to specify filter conditions by typing them into the window that opens. 

Filter Editor context menu option

Exporting Grids

Data grids found in SQL Sentry provide a great deal of information to the user in customizable format. Once the columns are organized as desired, the user can export the information in a variety of formats. 

To export your data, select File from the client toolbar, and then select Export Data

SQL Sentry File > Export Data

Give the data a file name, select the desired file type, and then select Save to save your exported data.

SQL Sentry Save Data As

Note:  Supported File Types include:

  • CSV Files (*.csv)
  • Microsoft Excel (*.xls)
  • Adobe Acrobat Files (*.pdf)
  • Web Pages (*.htm; *.html)

Copying Queries

Copy query cells, rows, or all data by selecting and right clicking a query, and then selecting the desired option from the context menu.

SQL Sentry Copying Queries

Additional Context Menu Options

Access the following additional context menu options by right-clicking a column header in any grid:

Context menu option Description 
Sort Ascending Sorts the selected column by ascending order.
Sort Descending Sorts the selected column by descending order.
Clear Sorting Clears the sorting options for the selected column.
Clear All Sorting Clears all sorting options for the selected pane.
Group By This Column Groups the displayed information by the selected column.
Show Group By Box Shows the group by box for the selected pane.
Hide Group By Box Hides the Group by Box.
Hide This Column Hides the selected column.
Column Chooser Opens the Column Chooser. The Column Chooser provides additional columns to sort information.
Best Fit Expands the information for the selected column.
Best Fit (all columns) Expands the information for all columns.
Filter Editor Opens the filter editor.
Show Find Panel Opens the Find Panel. Use this panel to locate specific text within your selected pane.
Show Auto Filter Row Opens the Auto Filter Row. Use the Auto Filter Row to add specific filters within your selected pane.
Reset Grid Reset the grid to its default configuration.