Documentation forSQL Sentry

SQL Sentry Event Calendar View

Event Calendar Pane

The Event Calendar pane is used to filter what is shown in the event calendar. Select the Event Calendar tab at the bottom of the Navigator pane to open the Event Calendar, or select View > Event Calendar.
SQL Sentry Event Calendar Pane

Note:  The Event Calendar tab is active when viewing the event calendar. The tabs at the top help to filter items in the event calendar.

The following are descriptions for the various Event Calendar tabs:

Event Calendar tab Description
Used for general filter settings including run status, review status, duration, and open text filters.
Displays a description of the view along with time settings and an object count.
Displays the instances and instance text filters for the current view.
Displays individual event objects added to the current view.
Event Sources
Allows you to determine the display properties of each event source.

Tab Formatting

The formatting of the tab text indicates whether certain filters are enabled or disabled:

  • If an event source is deselected, the tab name is gray
  • If any objects or categories are selected for a source, the tab name is bold
  • Additionally, any runtime or other filters set on the filter tab cause that tab name to bold.

Activating Filters

After making filter selections, activate the filter by selecting Apply Filter near the bottom of the filter menu. When the filter is active, Apply Filter has a blue background.

Note:  Runtime filters don't affect status event objects.

Using Text Filters

Multiple keywords are separated with a semicolon ( ; ). A plus sign ( + ) is used in front of any keyword(s) that you want to apply using an And operator. Otherwise the keyword is applied with an Or operator. Text filters can be applied to the following:

  • The event object name
  • The step text
  • The name of the object owner
Note:  If filters are entered in two or more of these text boxes, they will be applied with an And operator.

Removing Filters

Any filter settings can be removed from the active view by selecting Remove Filter

Note:  The Remove Filter button isn't available on custom Event Calendars and other views containing multiple instances. This ensures a filter is always applied to these views, minimizing the chance of overloading the SQL Sentry client with too much event data.

Saving a Filter as a View

To save the active filter settings to a custom Event Calendar, select Save View As from the File menu.

Properties Tab

The Properties tab displays basic descriptive information about the current view. Additionally, this tab provides controls to set the default time slice for this view. This allows you to specify the number of days, amount of time, and start time shown for this view every time it is opened.

SQL Sentry Event Calendar Properties Tab

Note:  When a performance monitor is placed on a custom Event Calendar, it is applied to all monitorable objects within the view. The View Totals box, at the bottom, allows you to see exactly how many objects are monitored.

The following are descriptions of the view totals values:

View Total Value Description
Total number of SQL Server instances and Windows instances associated with the view.
Objects From Instances
Gives a count of all objects from those instances that meet the filter criteria.
Individual Objects
Number of objects added by the Edit Individual Objects button.
Total Objects
Total objects in the view.
Total Monitored Objects
Total amount of objects that actually have performance monitors attached to them.
Total Monitorable
Total number of objects that have performance monitors attached to them (SQL agent jobs, reporting services reports, and Windows tasks).