Watched Target Objects
Performance Analysis Watched Target Objects
When a SQL Server instance is watched by SQL Sentry Performance Analysis, the following database objects are placed on the target:
Tables (msdb):
- SQLSentryObjectVersion_20
- SQLSentryAlertLog_20
- SQLSentryDBEmails_20 (SQL Server 2005+)
- SQLSentryDBEmail_Attachments_20 (SQL Server 2005+)
- SQLSentryEmails_20
- SQLSentryLogCache_20
- SQLSentryLogData_20
- SQLSentryObjectVersion_20
- SQLSentryQueueLog_20
Stored Procedures (msdb):
- spGetBlockInfo_20
- spGetJobInfo_20
- spQueueHeartbeat_20
- spQueueJob_End_20
- spQueueJob_Start_20
- spQueueMonitor_20
- spReadLogFile_20
- spSetupAlertsTrap_20
- spTrapAlert_20
- sp_sentry_mail
- sp_sentry_mail_20
- sp_sentry_dbmail_20 (SQL Server 2005+)
- SQLSentry.spGetProcedureStatsData
- SQLSentry.spGetQueryStatsData
SQL Agent Jobs:
- SQL Sentry 2.0 Alert Trap
- SQL Sentry 2.0 Queue Monitor
Note: For information about removing these objects, see the Uninstalling SQL Sentry topic.
SQL Sentry Monitoring Objects in Azure SQL Database Targets
When an Azure SQL Database is Watched by SQL Sentry Performance Analysis the user is given the option to allow some monitoring objects to be created in the target database. If these objects are allowed they are created under a SQLSentry schema. To remove these objects, see the Uninstalling SQL Sentry topic. Some of the tables have unique identifiers on them after the table name (indicated below by … ).
Tables (Target Database)
- SQLSentry.SQLSentryObjectVersion_20
- SQLSentry.ProcedureStats_...
- SQLSentry.ProcedureStats_...
Stored Procedures (Target Database)
- SQLSentry.spGetProcedureStatsData
- SQLSentry.spGetQueryStatsData