Documentation forSQL Sentry

Configuring Actions


Note:  As a reminder, conditions describe the various states of any monitored objects (e.g. % Processor Time > 90%), andactions determine what happens when a condition is met (e.g. an email is sent).

Displaying conditions

The conditions displayed in the Conditions pane change depending on which node or object is selected in the Navigator pane. If you don't see the Conditions pane once you have selected your desired node in the Navigator pane, select View > Conditions.

  • Select the shared groups node to see globally applied conditions in the Conditions pane. 
  • Select any applicable object level below the shared groups node to see two specific sets of applied conditions in the Conditions pane.

Conditions pane sections

Section Description
Inherited The top section is the Inherited section that shows you any applied conditions that are being passed down to the current level.

The Explicit section shows you applied conditions that have been set at the current level. Each action that you set up in your environment has an associated behavior that controls how the action is carried out relative to any inherited actions. See the following table for more information about Action Behavior:

Action Behavior Description
Disable Special set of instructions that simply disallow the passed down (inherited) set of instructions.
Override Special set of instructions that are followed instead of the passed down (inherited) instructions.
Combine Set of instructions that are followed in addition to the passed down (inherited) instructions.
Additional Information: For more information about the Conditions pane, see the Conditions pane article.

Tuning Conditions and Actions

To avoid a noisy alerting system, we recommend that you tune the conditions and actions to refine the amount of alerts generated to the ones that are meaningful to you.

See the following resources for guidance on alert tuning:

Adding a New Action

Add a new Action to your desired node by completing the following steps:

1. Open the Conditions pane (View > Conditions), then select the desired node in the Navigator pane to begin adding a new action. 

SQL Sentry Navigator Pane select desired node

2. Select Add to open the Action Selector window. 

SQL Sentry Conditions Pane Add Explicit Condition

3. Expand the applicable object and condition. Use the checkbox(es) to select which actions should be taken in response to the condition being met, then select OK to save your changes.

SQL Sentry Actions Selector select desired action

Additional Information: For a complete list of available actions and how to configure them, see the Actions article.

Changing Inherited Conditions

Change the behavior for an Inherited condition by completing the following steps

1. Open the Conditions pane (View> Conditions), then select the desired node in the Navigator pane. 
SQL Sentry Navigator Pane select desired node

2. Select the condition you want to change in the Inherited section of the Conditions pane, then select Disable, Override, or Combine.

SQL Sentry Conditions Pane Override selected condition

Note:  When an inherited condition is overridden or disabled, it appears in the Inherited section, but its text is grayed-out, and its status is Overridden.  

SQL Sentry Conditions Pane Overridden Condition example

Additional Information: For more information about actions and conditions, see the Alerting and Response System topic.