Documentation forSQL Sentry

SQL Sentry SQL Server Analysis Services Settings

Analysis Services Instance

Setting Description Related Condition
Collect Memory by Category Data

Enables or disables Memory by Category Data. This setting is used to provide more detail than the basic cleaner memory data, but is higher overhead to collect. Use caution when enabling this setting to ensure it doesn't impact performance.

Note: The default value for this setting is False.

Synchronize Type

This setting refers to how the SQL Sentry client responds if it discovers the data in the SQL Sentry database isn't up to date.

Note: The default settings shows a message box warning of the condition and asks if the SQL Sentry client should synchronize the information itself.

Synchronization Threshold The amount of time that must pass since the last successful synchronization by the SQL Sentry monitoring service before the client attempts to synchronize directly with the target. N/A
Maintenance Window

Used to set a schedule for the Maintenance Window. Only Log Actions  trigger for Failsafe conditions inside the Maintenance Window. Maintenance Window settings allow a time frame to be specified while daily maintenance activities take place on that instance.

For more information, see the Schedules and Windows topic.

Failsafe conditions

Top Commands

Setting Description Related Condition
Maximum Runtime Threshold Defines the maximum allowed runtime for the object. Top Commands: Runtime Threshold Max

Top Command Source

Setting Description Related Condition
Maximum Rows to Synchronize The maximum rows of historical event data to collect from this source. N/A
History Filter The filter is used for history synchronization. Only events that meet the filter criteria are written to the database. For more information, see History Filter. N/A
Minimum Duration   Sets the minimum required duration for a statement to be logged. All Top Commands Conditions
Collect MDX/DMX/XMLA Events Specifies whether command collection is enabled. N/A