Documentation forSQL Sentry

SQL Sentry Portal AlwaysOn

The Always On tab in SQL Sentry Portal is available for any monitored SQL Server instance hosting a Primary replica. View availability group topology information, data transfer graphs between primary and secondary replicas, availability databases, and any changes in the state of replicas for the selected cluster.

Open AlwaysOn for your Availability Group

Navigate to the AlwaysOn tab for your Availability Group through any of the following methods.

  • Click a target link within the Alerts Log and then click AlwaysOn from the menu.

  • Click a target within the side navigation menu, and then click the AlwaysOn tab.

The top of the AlwaysOn tab displays the name of your Availability Group cluster, images indicating the health and performance of the cluster, the Primary replica name, and last failover date.

The Availability Group Cluster name displays as a drop-down menu if there is more than one Availability Group cluster hosted within your selected instance. Click the drop-down menu to select another cluster.

View Availability Group topology data

Use the AG Topology graphs to view details about your SQL Server availability group replica(s). The AG Topology section displays the Primary replica on the left, as well as any secondary replicas within the Availability Group to the right. The following details about your replicas are available.

Monitor data transfer between replicas

Monitor the data transferred in KB between replicas, and the Send Recovery Queue for each replica in the graphs underneath AG topology.

The Primary replica is selected by default. Click any secondary replica to graph data for your selection.

Hover over the KB To/From Replica or Send/Recovery Queue graphs to display a tooltip detailing the Availability replica throughput during the specific time period.

View availability databases statuses and replica changes

The bottom of the AlwaysOn tab displays the Availability Databases and Replica State Change charts for the selected Availability Group cluster.

Availability Databases

Column Description
Database Name The name of the database(s) within the selected Availability Group Cluster.
Replica Name The name of the Availability Group replica(s) within the cluster.
Sync State The state of data synchronization for the Availability Group replica.
Database State The state of the database within the Availability Group cluster.
Last Send Time The last date and time data was transferred for the Availability Group replica.
Last Commit Time The last date and time data was committed for the Availability Group replica.

Replica State Change

Column Description
Replica The name of the Availability Group replica.
Event Time The last time an event took place.
Current State The current state of the Availability Group replica.
Previous State The previous state of the Availability Group replica.