Documentation forAppOptics

Snap Agent Development Library

Snap Agent plugins gather useful metrics from Docker containers, Kubernetes clusters, mongoDB databases, and several other Integrations possibilities. If you need to pull data from a system that's not listed as one of the official SolarWinds Integrations and cannot be found in the Community Plugin Catalog, you can write your own custom plugin using the Snap plugin library.

Snap plugin library

The Snap plugin library ( is a framework that helps developers write plugins to work within the Snap environment. It handles the communication between your environment and Snap and it simplifies common operations, such as adding metrics, processing configuration, and filtering.

While the library is developed for the Go language, Python and C# plugins can take advantage of the library through Cgo integration. The currently active and maintained version of the Snap plugin library is v2.

Useful links

For a comprehensive tutorial covering the majority of the main features, visit

For examples of streaming collectors, publishers, and other plugins:

Writing a custom collector


Writing a simple plugin using Go is very straightforward. In the following code sample, the Collect method will be triggered by snap, based on interval defined in task configuration (usually every 1 minute).

package mainimport (
type myCollector struct {}
func (c *myCollector) Collect(ctx plugin.CollectContext) error {
    _ = ctx.AddMetric("/example/static/value", 34)
    return nil
func main() {
    runner.StartCollector(&myCollector{}, "example-collector", "1.0.0")


Compiling source code

To compile the sample plugin, execute the following command:

go build -o snap-plugin-collector-example

If the plugin will be run on a Windows system, add the file extension .exe

Signing plugin

By default, all plugins executed by Snap must be signed with a proper certificate. For the details, see the topic Signing plugins

If you are working in an environment that can operate with reduced security, such as a non-production environment, you can modify config.yaml to disable signing validation. See Security - Signed plugins for more information and instructions.

Add executable to bin folder.

Move your compiled code to the Snap binaries folders.

sudo mv snap-plugin-collector-example /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin
sudo chown solarwinds:solarwinds /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/snap-plugin-collector-example

Create task

Create a new yaml file for the compiled plugin in the tasks-autoload.d folder. The following task-example.yaml file was created for the snap-plugin-collector-example sample plugin.

version: 2
  type: cron
  interval: "0 * * * * *"
  - plugin_name: example
    binary_name: snap-plugin-collector-example
      - /example/static/value
      - plugin_name: publisher-appoptics

Validate if custom task is running

Restart the Snap service to enable the new task. You can validate the setup is correct by executing the following commands:

swisnap plugin list
swisnap task list

The first command lists all running plugins. If everything was set up correctly it will list example-collector. The second command lists all running tasks and should include task-example.yaml.

Enabling custom metrics in AppOptics

Metrics from custom plugins are filtered out by SolarWinds Template Product by default. To change this behavior, login to SolarWinds Template Product and go to the Integrations page. The example-collector plugin should be listed under Community Plugins.

Click on the example-collector plugin to expand the details pane. In the details pane, click Enable Plugin. Once enabled, SolarWinds Template Product will start accepting the metric /example/static/value.

Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, SolarWinds Template Product shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate SolarWinds Template Product and access its features may vary from these instructions.

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