SWISnap Command Line
The swisnap is a CLI tool to manage the SolarWinds Snap Agent. It is based on the SWISnap REST API V3. Agent versions prior to version 3 were using REST API V1.
To learn more about REST API, please check the REST API documentation
The solarwinds-snap-agent package installs swisnap in /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/swisnap
on Linux and in C:\Program Files\SolarWinds\Snap\bin\swisnap.exe
on Windows. This command needs to be run by a privileged user. General usage:
swisnap [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Global options
--url value, -u value Sets the URL to use (default: "http+unix:///opt/SolarWinds/Snap/run/swisnapd.sock" for Linux or "npipe:////./pipe/swisnapd" for Windows) [$SNAP_URL] --insecure Ignore certificate errors when Snap's API is running HTTPS [$SNAP_INSECURE] --password, -p Require password for REST API authentication [$SNAP_REST_PASSWORD] --config value, -c value Path to a config file [$SNAP_CONFIG_PATH, $SNAPCTL_CONFIG_PATH] --timeout value, -t value Timeout to be set on HTTP request to the server (default: 10s) --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version
metric plugin task help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
Command Options
swisnap task command [command options] [arguments...]
create There are two ways to create a task. 1) Use a task manifest with [--task-manifest] 2) Provide a workflow manifest and schedule details. * Note: Start and stop date/time are optional. list list details details <task_id> start start <task_id> stop stop <task_id> remove remove <task_id> watch watch <task_id>
swisnap plugin command [command options] [arguments...]
load load <plugin_path> [--plugin-asc=<plugin_asc_path>] [--plugin-cert=<plugin_cert_path>] [--plugin-key=<plugin_key_path>] [--plugin-ca-certs=<ca_cert_paths>] unload unload <plugin_type> <plugin_name> <plugin_version> list list config
swisnap metric command [command options] [arguments...]
list list get get details on metric(s)
Example Usage
Listing tasks:
swisnap task list
+----------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+--------------+-----------+------------+------------+ | TASK ID / PLUGIN | TYPE | LAST ACTION | DURATION | PROCESSED | STATUS | LAST ERROR | +----------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+--------------+-----------+------------+------------+ | 8cd79cab-00-task-aosystem.yaml | | | | | | | | 8cd79cab-7b68-40ab-9957-4b2bcee24777 | | | | | | | | aosystem | collector | collect | 4.018737ms | 78 | ++++++++++ | N/A | | publisher-appoptics | publisher | publish | 2.314005666s | 78 | ++++++++++ | N/A | | d585a634-00-task-processes.yaml | | | | | | | | d585a634-96ac-421b-9b56-14b7dadc4b6f | | | | | | | | processes | collector | collect | 3.030227059s | 132 | ++++++++++ | N/A | | publisher-processes | publisher | publish | 640.493525ms | 132 | ++++++++++ | N/A | +----------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+--------------+-----------+------------+------------+
Task details:
swisnap task details d585a634-96ac-421b-9b56-14b7dadc4b6f
[ { "id": "d585a634-96ac-421b-9b56-14b7dadc4b6f", "href": "/v3/tasks/d585a634-96ac-421b-9b56-14b7dadc4b6f", "name": "d585a634-00-task-processes.yaml", "deadline": "55s", "creation_timestamp": 1589927868, "last_run_timestamp": 1589992369, "hit_count": 1076, "task_state": "Running", "master_id": "_7166b636-5e28-44f3-ab9a-865f707ab6ef", "schedule": { "type": "windowed", "interval": "1m0s" }, "plugins_used": [ { "href": "/v3/plugins/collector/processes/local/11.0.0", "name": "processes", "type": "collector", ...
Watching task:
swisnap task watch d585a634-96ac-421b-9b56-14b7dadc4b6f
[2020-05-20T16:38:52.94159661Z] /processes/sshd/cpu = 0 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941604856Z] /processes/sshd/memory = 0.307209312915802 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941610392Z] /processes/sshd/count = 1 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941615636Z] /processes/sshd/uptime = 6.9571936e+07 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.94162475Z] /processes/snap-plugin-publisher-appoptics/cpu = 0 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941630978Z] /processes/snap-plugin-publisher-appoptics/memory = 2.2923760414123535 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.94163602Z] /processes/snap-plugin-publisher-appoptics/count = 1 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941640921Z] /processes/snap-plugin-publisher-appoptics/uptime = 6.4861937e+07 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941648967Z] /processes/systemd-journald/cpu = 0 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.94165458Z] /processes/systemd-journald/memory = 0.6409773826599121 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941659775Z] /processes/systemd-journald/count = 1 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941664641Z] /processes/systemd-journald/uptime = 3.6607938e+07 [2020-05-20T16:38:52.941671504Z] /processes/kthreadd/cpu = 0 ...
Creating task:
Prepare a task manifest file in json or yaml format. As an example we will use task-aosystem-cpu.yaml, with following content:
version: 2 schedule: type: cron interval: "0 * * * * *" plugins: - plugin_name: aosystem config: ## mount_points allows filtering mount points that will be monitored. ## The default behavior is to monitor only physical devices (ie. hard disks, USB, etc.). ## To enable monitoring of all devices, use ‘*'. # mount_points: # - /dev # - /run ## exclude_disks allows to define which mount points should not be monitored. ## Basic globbing patterns are supported. # exclude_disks: # - /dev/loop* # - /dev/sdb1 metrics: - /system/cpu/guest - /system/cpu/idle - /system/cpu/interrupt - /system/cpu/iowait - /system/cpu/steal - /system/cpu/system - /system/cpu/user - /system/cpu/utilization - /system/cpu/per_cpu/[cpu]/guest - /system/cpu/per_cpu/[cpu]/idle - /system/cpu/per_cpu/[cpu]/interrupt - /system/cpu/per_cpu/[cpu]/iowait - /system/cpu/per_cpu/[cpu]/steal - /system/cpu/per_cpu/[cpu]/system - /system/cpu/per_cpu/[cpu]/user - /system/cpu/per_cpu/[cpu]/utilization
swisnap task create -t task-aosystem-cpu.yaml
Using task manifest to create task Task created ID: 257b2811-2b03-466a-afb2-306ae4975f43 Name: Task-257b2811-2b03-466a-afb2-306ae4975f43 State: Running
Stopping task:
swisnap task stop 257b2811-2b03-466a-afb2-306ae4975f43
Task stopped
Removing task:
swisnap task remove 257b2811-2b03-466a-afb2-306ae4975f43
Task removed
Listing plugins:
swisnap plugin list
NAME TYPE API VERSION RUNTIME SIGNED STATUS LOADED TIME publisher-appoptics publisher PluginsV1 48.0.0 false loaded Tue, 19 May 2020 22:37:48 UTC aosystem collector PluginsV2 58.0.0 local false running Tue, 19 May 2020 22:37:48 UTC processes collector PluginsV2 11.0.0 local false running Tue, 19 May 2020 22:37:48 UTC publisher-appoptics publisher PluginsV2 48.0.0 local false running Tue, 19 May 2020 22:37:49 UTC publisher-processes publisher PluginsV2 48.0.0 local false running Tue, 19 May 2020 22:37:49 UTC
Loading plugin:
swisnap plugin load /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin/snap-plugin-collector-logs
[ { "loaded_plugin": { "name": "logs", "version": "15.0.0", "type": "collector", "signed": false, "status": "loaded", "loaded_timestamp": 1589989454, "href": "http://localhost:21413/v1/plugins/collector/logs/15.0.0" }, "plugin_api_version": "PluginsV1", "Err": null } ]
Unloading plugin:
swisnap plugin load unload collector logs 15.0.0
Plugin unloaded Name: logs Version: 15.0.0 Type: collector
Metric commands are supported only for plugins implemented with plugin framework V1
Listing metrics:
swisnap metric list
NAMESPACE VERSIONS /logs/attempts_total 15.0.0 /logs/bytes_failed 15.0.0 /logs/bytes_forwarded 15.0.0 /logs/bytes_succeeded 15.0.0 /logs/failed_attempts_total 15.0.0 /logs/lines_failed 15.0.0 /logs/lines_forwarded 15.0.0 /logs/lines_skipped 15.0.0 /logs/lines_succeeded 15.0.0 /logs/lines_total 15.0.0
Metric details:
swisnap metric get details --metric-namespace /logs/attempts_total
NAMESPACE VERSION UNIT LAST ADVERTISED TIME DESCRIPTION /logs/attempts_total 15.0.0 Wed, 20 May 2020 16:18:43 UTC Rules for collecting /logs/attempts_total: NAME TYPE DEFAULT REQUIRED MINIMUM MAXIMUM write_timeout string 30s false exclude_patterns string false hostname string false api_protocol string tls false exclude_files string false windows_events string false papertrail_token string false api_port integer false loggly_token string false connect_timeout string 30s false files string false max_line_length integer 1024 false new_file_check_interval string 30s false api_host string false
Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, AppOptics shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate AppOptics and access its features may vary from these instructions.
The scripts are not supported under any SolarWinds support program or service. The scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. SolarWinds further disclaims all warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The risk arising out of the use or performance of the scripts and documentation stays with you. In no event shall SolarWinds or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the scripts or documentation.