Documentation forAppOptics

Upgrading the Node.js Agent

AppOptics agents are no longer receiving updates. The new SolarWinds Observability libraries are regularly updated with new features and improvements. If you are still relying on the AppOptics agents and your components are supported by the new libraries, consider migrating to SolarWinds Observability.

SolarWinds Observability Libraries are not compatible with AppOptics agents. Do not use a mix of SolarWinds Observability Libraries and AppOptics agents to instrument applications that are part of a distributed trace.

Upgrading to the SolarWinds Observability Node.js Library

The Node.js Instrumentation Library for SolarWinds Observability is compatible with the AppOptics collector. SolarWinds Observability libraries are not compatible with AppOptics agents. Do not use a mix of SolarWinds Observability libraries and AppOptics agents to instrument applications that are part of a distributed trace.

Complete migration

SolarWinds recommends that you migrate completely from AppOptics to SolarWinds Observability. For more information about a complete migrations, see Migrate from AppOptics to SolarWinds Observability SaaS. To upgrade to the SolarWinds Observability Node.js Library as part of a complete migration, see Migrate the Node.js Library from AppOptics to SolarWinds Observability.

Partial migration

Alternatively, you can upgrade to the SolarWinds Observability Node.js Library but send data to AppOptics.

  1. Remove any references to the AppOptics custom instrumentation API in your application code.

    Save a list detailing your application's usage so it can be updated for the SolarWinds Observability Node.js Library's instrumentation API.

  2. Uninstall the AppOptics agent.

    1. Undo the steps taken to load the library into your application. See Loading instructions in the AppOptics APM repo.

      For example, depending on the methods used to load the library into your application, you may need to remove the -r appoptics-apm command at node startup or remove the require('appoptics-apm') line in the application code.

    2. Uninstall the appoptics-apm package and remove it from your application dependencies.

  3. Install the SolarWinds Observability Node.js Library.

  4. Set a valid AppOptics service key. See the SolarWinds Observability configuration options for the new configuration file and environment variable names.
  5. Set the collector configuration option to the AppOptics endpoint Use a config option or an environment variable to override the default APM collector endpoint.

  6. Update your application to use the new instrumentation API, if needed.

    See appoptics-apm migration guide to solarwinds-apm for a summary of changes, and Node.js Library instrumentation SDK for more information about the SolarWinds Observability Node.js Library's instrumentation API.

Upgrade to a newer version of the legacy AppOptics Agent

To upgrade to a next beta version, for example from 4.0.5-beta to 4.0.6-beta:

npm install --save appoptics-apm@4.0.6-beta

Upgrading from TraceView

There are two major changes:

  1. The package is now called appoptics-apm, please make changes accordingly.
  2. The service key is required and must be set as an environment variable APPOPTICS_SERVICE_KEY.

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