Documentation forAppOptics

Community Plugin Catalog

SolarWinds Snap Agent supports custom plugins. Users can use those already developed by Snap community or develop their own. To see the most recent list of community plugins, please visit the Plugin Catalog. To start developing your own custom plugins, please visit Plugin Authoring.

When you add a community or a custom plugin to the SolarWinds Snap Agent, the plugin will appear on your Integrations view. Enable the community plugin to start collecting the metrics (collected metrics will also be accessible via metrics list) and easily create your own dashboard.

Community plugins are not maintained and tested by SolarWinds.

Community plugins are using V1 plugin framework and do not use tasks-autoload.d folder.

If you need to pull data from a system that's not listed as one of the official SolarWinds Integrations and cannot be found in the Community Plugin Catalog, you can write your own custom plugin using the Snap Agent Development Library.

Enabling Community Plugins

Enabling community plugins in AppOptics is a straightforward process.

In a nutshell, it can be summarized as follows:

Once the community plugin is enabled, you'll be able to easily create a custom dashboard.

1. Download/Build Plugin Binary

Download or build plugin binary. The location of binary and how to build it is usually described on plugin's Github repository.

Copy the plugin binary over to /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/bin directory on the host where SolarWinds Snap Agent is running.

2. Create Plugin and Task Configuration files

In order to enable and run the plugin in AppOptics, you need to create two configuration files:

  • Task configuration - primarily controls plugin run schedule and metrics it collects.
  • Plugin configuration - contains plugin-specific configurations (for example: url, username, etc.)

You can typically find a sample task configuration file and plugin configuration file in the plugin's Github repository

Task Configuration

Create the task configuration file as:


Content of the task configuration file will typically be:

version: 1
  # Run every minute
  type: cron
      interval: "0 * * * * *"
      /<plugin-provider>/<plugin-name>/*: {}
      config: {}
      - plugin_name: publisher-appoptics
        period: 60
        floor_seconds: 60

Place the Task configuration file under /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/etc/tasks.d directory on the host where the SolarWinds Snap Agent is running.

Plugin Configuration

Create the plugin configuration file as:


Content of the plugin configuration file will typically be:

      <plugin-setting-1> : <value-1>
      <plugin-setting-2> : <value-2>
  plugin: snap-plugin-collector-<plugin-name>
  task: task-<plugin-name>.yaml

Under the load configuration section, you should reference the plugin binary and task configuration files created earlier.

Place the Plugin configuration file under /opt/SolarWinds/Snap/etc/plugins.d directory on the host where the SolarWinds Snap Agent is running.

3. Restart the SolarWinds Snap Agent Service

Restart the SolarWinds Snap Agent service by running the following command:

sudo service swisnapd restart

This will start running the plugin on the SolarWinds Snap Agent.

4. Enable the Plugin

Login to AppOptics and go to the Integrations page. Your plugin should be listed there under the Community Plugins section.

Click on the plugin to expand the details panel and you'll be able to take following actions:

  1. Enable the plugin - Once enabled, AppOptics will start accepting the metrics from the plugin
  2. Create custom dashboard - Go to the Metrics tab on the plugin details panel where you can select a set of metrics. After selecting a set of metrics, click on Create Dashboard button to quickly create a custom dashboard

Don't forget to enable the plugin. Metrics will not be received and stored until the plugin has been enabled.

Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, AppOptics shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate AppOptics and access its features may vary from these instructions.

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