Function: rate(set[], options = {})
Given an arbitrary number of series, returns a set of equal length where each value has been converted to a rate over the defined duration. The duration of the period can be set with the following parameter:
- This converts every value to a rate, where the period of the rate is defined by the given duration. For every valuex
, the effective transform run is:(x/p) * duration
. Wherep
is the automatic period of the data determined by the current rollup resolution, the saved metric period attribute, or the downsample period specified in a call to series(). For example, to get "rate per minute", you would set duration to "60"( x/p * 60 )
. Whereas, to get "rate per second", you would set duration to "1"( x/p * 1)
. The duration defaults to "1" if not specified, implying all rates are converted to per-second.
rate(s("http.requests.count", {"@host":"*"}, {period: "300"}),{duration:"60"})
How rate() detects the period
- If a metric does not have a period set, then period is defaulted to resolution of the data.
- If the series() was given a ‘period' parameter, it will be used in place of the metric period.
- When you switch to a higher viewing window, the data switches to a rollup resolution. Therefore, the period is calculated as the Max of (period, rollup resolution).
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