NetFlow Traffic Analyzer Summary
When you launch NTA, NetFlow Traffic Analyzer Summary is the first view displayed. This view provides insight into data traffic conditions over your entire network. The following widgets are included in the NetFlow Traffic Analyzer Summary View by default.
NetFlow Sources
This widget provides a list of all flow- and CBQoS-enabled devices on your network that are currently configured to send NetFlow data to the server hosting your NTA installation. For more information about adding flow-enabled devices, see Flow analysis.
Click + next to any router name to display flow‑ and CBQoS-enabled interfaces on the selected router. Interfaces are also listed with both a status icon and a timestamp indicating when NTA last received NetFlow data from the selected interface. Additionally, the NetFlow Sources widget provides reported values (as polled by NPM) for both incoming and outgoing traffic on each interface.
Since NetFlow Sources display values as polled by NPM, these numbers may differ from those displayed in NTA charts.
Click a router name to open the NetFlow Node Details view. Click an interface name to open the NetFlow Interface Details view.
Top 5 NetFlow Sources by % Utilization
This widget provides a list of the NetFlow sources on your network that are currently routing enough traffic to significantly tax their system resources.
Sources are only listed if they experience utilization in excess of 1%. Clicking on a displayed interface opens NetFlow Interface Details.
Top 10 Applications
The Top 10 Applications widget provides a quick view of the applications and ports that are most in use by the devices on your network.
By clicking +, you can expand each application to see the network devices routing traffic for each application.
Top 10 Endpoints
The Top 10 Endpoints widget gives a quick view of the endpoints that are the sources or targets of the most network traffic. By clicking + to expand each endpoint, you can see the network devices routing traffic for each endpoint.
Top 5 Conversations
This widget provides view of the conversations using the most bandwidth on your network. Each color in the chart corresponds to a single continuing conversation between two specific endpoints. The table below the chart lists the endpoints involved in each conversation, with the bandwidth consumed by each conversation, in both bytes and packets.
Click + to expand the conversation description to see all devices on your network through which the selected conversation is conducted. The first level of expansion shows the network nodes through which conversation traffic is routed. The next level of expansion shows the interfaces that are passing traffic for the selected conversation.
At both the node and interface levels, respective shares of the total bandwidth consumed by the selected conversation are listed in both bytes and packets. For any node, the conversation traffic on the node is equal to the sum of the conversation traffic on all the interfaces on that node.
Last 10 Traffic Analysis Events
This widget lists the last 10 NetFlow-specific events that have occurred to devices on your monitored network. Typically, this widget lists the dates and times when the NetFlow Receiver Service stops and starts, but it is also used to communicate updates for database upgrades and to provide notification of newly discovered flow sources.