Documentation forNetFlow Traffic Analyzer
Analyzing network traffic and bandwidth is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Advanced edition. NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) is also available in a standalone module.

Cisco WLC 5700 series configuration

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! Create a Record

configure terminal
flow record NTA-record
description record-for-NTA-ipv4flow
match ipv4 tos
match ipv4 source address
match ipv4 destination address
match transport source-port
match transport destination-port
match interface input
collect interface output
collect counter bytes
collect counter packets

show flow record record-for-NTA-ipv4flow
!copy running-config startup-config

! Create a Flow Exporter

configure terminal
flow exporter NetFlow-to-NTA
description export-to-NTA
source gigabitEthernet1/0/1
transport udp 2055
! export protocol can be left on default
!export-protocol netflow-v5
show flow exporter NetFlow-to-NTA
!copy running-config startup-config
! Create a Flow Monitor
configure terminal
flow monitor NTA-Monitor
description monitor-for-NTA-ipv4
record NTA-record
exporter NetFlow-to-NTA
cache timeout inactive 10
cache timeout active 5
show flow monitor name NTA-Monitor
!copy running-config startup-config! Creating record