Top XX list widget percentages in NTA
Top XX list widgets may be configured to show any number of items, listed in either absolute or relative terms of overall traffic percentage. Absolute percentages are calculated for each item based on all monitored items. Relative percentages for each item are calculated in terms of the total number of items displayed in the selected widget.
By default, pie charts are configured to show some, but not all traffic. You can see the rest of the data not included in the top XX items in the Remaining Traffic row in the legend.
A given node, HOME, is communicating with other endpoints: 1, 2, 3, and 4. The following table details the two percentage types calculated and displayed for both Top 4 Endpoints and Top 3 Endpoints widgets.
Endpoint |
Actual Amount of Traffic |
% of Total Actual Traffic |
Absolute Percentage |
Relative Percentage |
Top 4 |
Top 3 |
Top 4 |
Top 3 |
Hostname 1 |
4 MB |
40% |
40 % |
40 % |
4/8.5 MB = 47% |
4/8 MB = 50% |
Hostname 2 |
3 MB |
30% |
30 % |
30 % |
3/8.5 MB = 35.3% |
3/8 MB = 37.5% |
Hostname 3 |
1 MB |
10% |
10 % |
10 % |
1/8.5 MB = 11.7% |
1/8 MB = 12.5% |
Hostname 4 |
.5 MB |
5% |
5% |
Not Shown |
0.5/8.5 MB = 5.9% |
Not Shown |
Remaining traffic (in MB and %) |
1.5 MB |
15% |
15% |
20% |
Not Shown (Remaining Traffic shown only in Absolute values.) |
Not Shown (Remaining Traffic shown only in Absolute values.) |
Total traffic shown in widget (in MB and %) |
10 MB |
100% |
100% (10 MB includes remaining traffic) |
100% (10 MB includes remaining traffic) |
100% (8.5 MB includes just top 4 entries) |
100% (8 MB includes just top 3 entries) |