Documentation forKiwi CatTools

Script variables in Kiwi CatTools

Kiwi CatTools includes several built in variables available to use in Client scripts. Use the "cl." prefix to access a variable or function from the client. For example:

If cl.QuitNow = 1 then exit sub


QuitNow As Long

  • If set to a value other than 0, indicates that the script must stop processing and exit immediately.
  • When the STOP button is pressed on the Activities page, the value of QuitNow is set to 1 for each running thread.

Ensure that this variable is checked within any long duration loops so that the client responds to the stop events in a timely manner.

DeviceName As String

  • Name of the current device that has been passed from the main script via the marshal threads function.
  • Use this value to perform further database lookups based on this device name.

ScheduleNumber as integer

  • Contains the current schedule number. Each activity is assigned a unique identifying number.
  • This number is used as the unique key for database lookups of activity information.

ScriptFileClient As String

  • File name of the current script file that is currently being run

UniqueFileID As String

  • Unique file ID prefix for this script (set from the Main script).
  • Use this unique value when writing results files that are to be read by the main script. This avoids other threads from overwriting the same results file.

ProcessID As Long

  • The ID number of this thread (1 to MaxThreads).
  • This value is not unique since the thread can be reused for running a different script and connecting to a different device.
  • This variable can be used when signalling the main script as a way of identifying the number of this thread.

AppPath As String

  • The folder where Kiwi CatTools is installed.
  • This folder is always terminated with a "\" character.
  • Use this variable as the root path when saving data to results files. The ClientTemp folder for example is located under the root path.


  • Hostname as recovered from the device after login. For example: sales1600
  • When a connection to a device is made, the hostname is extracted from the prompt.
  • A prompt of "sales1600>" gets extracted and converted to "sales1600".


  • This value holds the prompt that is expected to be returned after an action is taken in VTY mode.
  • For example, after a show interface command has completed, the DeviceVTYPrompt can be expected, such as: sales1600>


  • This value holds the prompt that is expected to be returned after an action is taken in enable mode.
  • For example, after a show interface command has completed, the DeviceEnablePrompt can be expected: sales1600#

RecDataTimeOut as long

  • Holds the number of seconds to wait for a response from the device.
  • For example, time to wait for login prompt to be received after sending a command.

RxBuffer As String

  • Holds the data returned from the active connection.
  • For example: SendData abcde, then WaitForMultData
  • After a return value has been matched or the timeout has occurred, the received data will be held in RxBuffer.

StripVT100ESC as Long

  • If set to non-zero, vt100 type escape sequences are removed from the buffer stream at the point of reception.
  • This is useful for devices with menu based telnet interfaces.
  • This variable can be toggled at any time to enable or disable the removal of the escape sequences.
  • For example, set this variable to 1, then call the WaitForMultData function.

DebugMode as long

  • Determines when to debug data that is sent or received from an active connection. Debugged data is save to a file.
  • The file name is made up from the formula: AppPath + "Capture" + UniqueFileID + ".txt".
  • 0 = normal operation.
  • 1 = sent and received data from the active connection is written to a debug text file.

Device values

After calling the function DBDevicesGetAllFields(DeviceName), the following fields are loaded with the information from the database.

CurDevType As String

  • The current device type.
  • For example: Cisco.Router.General or Cisco.Firewall.PIX
  • To ensure a good match, always test for lowercase values. If Lcase(CurDevType) = "cisco.router.general" then...

CurDevGroup As String

  • Group to which the device belongs. This is a free form field and can be any value that the user specifies.

CurDevName As String

  • The current device's name. This is a free form field and can be any value that the user specifies.
  • The device name must be unique.

CurDevHostAddress As String

  • IP address or hostname of the device.

CurDevFilename As String

  • A base filename for use when saving information to file for this device.
  • The filename is made from the device name.
  • Any invalid filename characters are replaced with an underscore.

CurDevModel As String

  • Current device model, for example: 1601 or 3300. This is a free form field and can be any value that the user specifies.

CurDevConnectVia As String

  • The name of the device to connect to first before attempting a telnet or SSH session.
  • For example, you connect to Device A , then attempt a telnet connection to the current device.

CurDevTelnet As String

  • Method used for connection, for example: Telnet, SSH1, or COMM.
  • The connection method is dependent on the particular device.

CurDevTelnetPort As String

  • Port to use for connection attempt, for example: 23 for telnet, 22 for SSH, 1 for COMM1.

CurDevSession As String

  • Session number to use once connected to device.
  • For xxample: Telnet to device, then issue session 15 command to connect to LANE card.

CurDevVTYPass As String

  • VTY password for the device.

CurDevConsolePass As String

  • Console password for the device.
  • The console password is only required when the connection is via the console (COMM port connection).

CurDevEnablePass As String

  • Enable password for the device. This is usually the enable-secret password on Cisco devices.

CurDevPrivilegeLevel As String

  • The privilege level to use when entering enable mode.
  • For example: Enable 7

CurDevAAAUsername As String

  • Username to use when device is set to use AAA (TACACS/RADIUS/Username)

CurDevAAAPassword As String

  • Password to use when device is set to use AAA (TACACS/RADIUS/Username)

CurDevVTYPrompt As String

  • The VTY prompt to expect from the device.
  • Normally set to "" when the default prompt is expected.
  • For example: Login:

CurDevConsolePrompt As String

  • The console prompt to expect from the device.
  • Normally set to "" if the default prompt is expected.
  • For example: Login:

CurDevEnablePrompt As String

  • The Enable mode prompt to expect from the device.
  • Normally set to "" if the default prompt is expected.
  • For example: Password:

CurDevAAAUserPrompt As String

  • The username prompt to expect from the device.
  • Normally set to "" if the default prompt is expected.
  • For example: Username:

CurDevAAAPassPrompt As String

  • The password prompt to expect from the device.
  • Normally set to "" if the default prompt is expected.
  • Example: Password:

CurDevRequireVTYLogin As String

  • VTY password is required to login to the device. Check box value.
  • 0 = no VTY password expected
  • 1 = VTY password expected

CurDevLoginUsesAAA As String

  • AAA username and password required to login to the device. Check box value.
  • Uses AAA user authentication.
  • 0 = no username or password required
  • 1 = username or password required

CurDevEnableUsesAAA As String

  • AAA username or password required when entering enable mode on the device. Check box value.
  • Uses AAA user authentication.
  • 0 = no username or password required for enable mode
  • 1 = username or password required

CurDevAddress1 / CurDevAddress2 / CurDevAddress3 As String

  • Free form address information.

CurDevContactName As String

  • Name of contact for device.

CurDevContactPhone As String

  • Contact phone number for device contact.

CurDevContactEmail As String

  • Contact e-mail address for device contact.

CurDevContactOther As String

  • Other contact info for device contact.

CurDevAlertEmail As String

  • E-mail to send alert info to for this device.
  • If left blank, the e-mail address defined in the properties isused.

CurDevSerialNumber As String

  • Device serial number. Free form field.

CurDevAssetTag As String

  • Device asset tag information. Free form field.

CurDevIdentification As String

  • Other device identification. Free form field.

CurDevSerialOther As String

  • Other device identification. Free form field.

CurDevActivitySpecific1 As String

  • Activity specific information for this device.

CurDevActivitySpecific2 As String

  • Activity specific information for this device.

Temp01 to Temp10 as Variant

  • General purpose global variables for use by the client scripts.
  • Can be used to allow transfer of data from one script to another.
  • These values are not initialized on startup and may contain data from previous script instances.