- Release Notes
- Install or Upgrade
- Get Started
- Administer
- KCT Administrator Guide
- Introduction to Kiwi CatTools
- Devices supported on Kiwi CatTools
- Kiwi CatTools Device Matrix
- How to create a custom device
- Add devices to Kiwi CatTools
- Custom devices in Kiwi CatTools
- Define Kiwi CatTools custom device type using .ini file
- Define Kiwi CatTools custom device script using .txt file
- Custom device script cl. variables and functions for Kiwi CatTools
- Testing your custom device
- Device specific information
- Unsupported devices or device activities in Kiwi CatTools
- Activities
- Add or edit activity details in Kiwi CatTools
- Activities types
- DB.Backup.CatTools
- DB.UpdateDevice.Password field
- DB.UpdateDevice.Text field
- Device.Backup.Running Config
- Device.Backup.TFTP
- Device.CLI.Modify Config
- Device.CLI.Send commands
- Run external scripts in Kiwi CatTools
- Example Generic Script
- How to enable or disable ports on a Catalyst CatOS switch
- How to backup Cisco IOS image to TFTP server
- How to download Cisco IOS running config to TFTP server
- How to download Cisco IOS running config to SCP server
- How to upload Cisco IOS config from TFTP to device
- How to upgrade Cisco IOS via TFTP
- How to enter different commands onto each device for Device.CLI.Send
- Save outputs from multiple devices into a single file
- Device.ConnectivityTest.Login
- Device.ConnectivityTest.Ping
- Device.InterDevice.Ping
- Device.TFTP.Upload Config
- Device.Update.Banner
- Device.Update.Password
- Report.ARP table
- Report.CDP Neighbors table
- Report.Compare.Running Startup
- Report.Compare.Two files
- Report.Error info table
- Report.MAC address table
- Report.Port info table
- Report.SNMP.System summary
- Report.Version table
- Report.X-Ref.Port MAC ARP
- System.File.Delete
- Kiwi CatTools internal functions
- Creating a custom activity
- How to create a custom activity
- The custom activity type file (.ini)
- The custom activity main script file (.txt)
- The custom activity client script file (.txt)
- The custom activity device script file (.custom)
- Testing your custom device
- Custom activity scripts cl. and ct. variables and functions
- Testing your custom activity
- Unsupported activities for a device
- Menus
- Kiwi CatTools File menu
- Export devices to tab delimited file
- Export activities to tab delimited file
- Import devices from tab delimited file
- Import schedules from tab delimited file
- Change encryption password in KCT
- Backup current database
- Restore database from backup
- Squeeze current database
- Open other database
- Create new database
- Delete log file
- Enable capture mode
- Create diagnostics for Technical Support
- Kiwi CatTools View menu
- Kiwi CatTools Options menu
- Kiwi CatTools Interface menu
- Kiwi CatTools Help menu
- Kiwi CatTools File menu
- Kiwi CatTools pane interface
- Event Email Notification
- Custom scripting
- Kiwi CatTools API
- Automating the installation of Kiwi CatTools
- Troubleshooting
- Debug Log
- Troubleshoot - Kiwi CatTools file name conventions
- Troubleshoot: Device specific settings
- Troubleshoot - Error: 70: Permission denied
- Troubleshoot - Reporting problems
- Troubleshoot: Remote Desktop Systems
- Troubleshoot: Remote Authentication
- Troubleshoot: Anti-virus Software
- Troubleshoot: Windows XP Firewall
- Troubleshoot: The service is running but nothing is scheduled
Remove devices from the Kiwi CatTools database
When removing a selected device from the CatTools database, the following dialogue is shown:
This dialogue box identifies whether the device is used in any activities or devices. If you choose to remove the device any relationships it has with activities or devices are also removed.
Use the Show button to see a list of entities the device is connected to.