Configure ASA dap.xml file backup
The Dynamic Access Policies (DAP) configuration of ASA v8.0 is stored in a file called dap.xml
on the flash memory. It is not stored as part of the running config file or startup config file. A normal CatTools backup activity does not backup this file.
To backup this file with CatTools
To backup this file with CatTools, you will need to create a second activity using trivial file transfer protocols (TFTP) to transfer the file off your device.
Enable the Device.Backup.Running Config activity. A green check mark will appear inside the check box when it is enabled.
Edit the Device.CLI.Send commands activity and click on Options. Insert the following commands and click OK.
- Run both activities to complete the backup.
copy disk0:/dap.xml tftp://tftpserver-name/dap.xml
This will automate a manual command to backup the dap.xml file.