Documentation forKiwi CatTools

Save outputs from multiple devices into a single file

Normally, the Device.CLI.Send commands activity saves the data from each device into a separate file. The default capture filename is: \Captured Data\%GroupName%\%DeviceName%.DeviceOutput.%DateISO%.txt

To save the output from multiple devices into a single file, set the capture filename to \Captured Data\MyActivityData.txt

  • On the options tab, ensure that you uncheck Overwrite existing capture file. This allows the data from each device to be appended to the common capture file.
  • On the Activity tab, set the Client threads to use a single thread only. This ensures that the output file is written to by only one device at a time.

To have start and finish tags placed between the output from each device, place comments into the commands you send to the device. For example, if the command you enter is "Show ARP", use the following creates start and finish tags:

! %ctDeviceName - Start
Show ARP
! %ctDeviceName - Finish

When the command is sent to the device, the %ctDeviceName is replaced with the current device name. Ccommands starting with ! are ignored by Cisco routers.

Catalyst switches

Catalyst switches (CatOS) use the # character instead. The captured data file could look like:

! Cisco2950Switch1 - Start
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 3 0008.02b9.1111 ARPA Vlan1
Internet 1 000d.9d89.2222 ARPA Vlan1
! Cisco2950Switch1 - Finish
! Cisco2950Switch2 - Start
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 6 0008.a118.3333 ARPA Vlan1
Internet 0 0008.02cf.4444 ARPA Vlan1
! Cisco2950Switch2 - Finish

The data captured from each device is wrapped with a Start and Finish tag.