Register an Amazon RDS for MySQL or MySQL-compatible Aurora database instance
Complete one of the following tasks to register an individual Amazon RDS for MySQL or MySQL-compatible Aurora database instance for monitoring with DPA.
You can also use mass registration to registrations to register multiple database instances, or you can register database instances using scripts that call the DPA API.
If you register a database instance within the 14-day trial period, DPA begins monitoring the instance immediately. After the trial period, you must activate a license to monitor the database instance.
Register a read-only Amazon RDS for MySQL database instance
To register a read-only Amazon RDS for MySQL database instance, complete the following steps:
- Register the corresponding read/write instance in DPA using the registration wizard.
- Copy the user and permissions to the read-only instance.
Open the following file in a text editor:
Add the following setting to the file and save it:
- Use the registration wizard to register the instance:
- For the monitoring user, choose Provide monitoring user. Then enter the credentials for the same user specified for the read/write instance.
- On the Configuration for Monitoring panel, choose Leave As Is.
Use the registration wizard
To register an Amazon RDS for MySQL or MySQL-compatible Aurora database for DPA to monitor, complete the following tasks.
(Optional) Identify the privileged user
If you choose to let DPA create or configure the account used to collect DPA data (the monitoring user), you must provide the credentials of a privileged user. (You can also choose to create the monitoring user yourself.) During registration, the privileged user either creates the monitoring user or grants the required privileges to an existing user that you designate as the monitoring user. DPA does not store the credentials of the privileged user.
For self-managed MySQL, Percona, or Maria database instances:
The privileged user requires the following permission:
The privileged user must be able to grant the following permissions:
PROCESS on *.*
SELECT & UPDATE on performance_schema.*
To enable the retrieval of query execution plans, the privileged user must also be able to grant the following permissions:
Complete the registration wizard
- In the upper-left corner of the DPA home page, click Register DB Instance for Monitoring.
- Under Amazon RDS & Aurora, click Amazon RDS and Aurora for MySQL or MariaDB. Then click Next.
- Enter the following connection information:
Enter the host name or IP address and port of the server.
DPA monitors all databases within the instance. If more than one instance exists on the server, you must register each instance separately in DPA.
Create or specify the account that DPA will use to gather information (the monitoring user).
SolarWinds recommends creating a separate account for the monitoring user.
DPA ignores data generated by the monitoring user on the monitored database instance. For this reason, do not specify a user that causes load on the monitored instance.
To let DPA create or configure the monitoring user:
- Select Let DPA create a new user or configure an existing user for me.
Enter the credentials of an existing user with the required privileges.
The credentials for the privileged user are not used or stored after the registration.
- Select a Tablespace and Temp Tablespace on the monitored database. This is primarily used for gathering Explain Plan data for monitored queries.
- Click Next.
To create the monitoring user yourself:
- Select I'll create the database user.
- Click Monitoring User Creation Script.
- Copy the script to a file and edit it per the instructions.
- Copy the edited script to the MySQL console, and run it.
- Enter this user's credentials in the Username and Password fields.
If your repository database is Oracle, the Oracle Repository Tablespace panel opens. If not, continue with step 5.
If your repository database is Oracle, choose the tablespace in the repository database to store DPA performance data for this monitored instance. Then click Next.
By default, the performance data is stored in the default tablespace of the repository user. However, data for monitored instances can be stored in separate tablespaces.
If your repository database is not Oracle, the wizard skips this step.
(Optional) Select the alert groups you want the new database instance to join. Then click Next.
If no alert groups exist, or the existing groups do not match the database type of this instance, the wizard skips this step.
Group membership can be changed after registration
- Select a Typical or Custom configuration. SolarWinds recommends the Typical configuration
Typical is recommended. With this option:
- The DPA Recommended option is used for Performance Schema setup.
can be run onSELECT
Select Custom to change the Performance Schema setup and to allow
to be run on different statements. Then specify what data the Performance Schema collects and maintains. This table shows which consumers and instruments each option enables.The MySQL Performance Schema must be enabled. If you select Leave As Is, verify that Global Instrumentation and Thread Instrumentation are enabled in the existing Performance Schema configuration.
Option Server Default DPA Recommended Detailed Leave as Is Consumer Global Instrumentation ✔
Consumer Thread Instrumentation ✔
Consumer Statement Digest ✔
Consumer Statement (Current) ✔
Consumer Wait (Current) ✔ ✔ NC Instrument Wait (Lock/*) ✔ ✔ NC Instrument Wait (I/O table) (I/O/file) ✔ ✔ NC Instrument Wait (I/O/socket) ✔ ✔ NC Instrument Wait (Synch/*) ✔ NC *NC = No change. DPA does not change the existing Performance Schema configuration.
Values that are outside of the MYSQL_PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA configuration scope of DPA are not changed. For example, an instrument named
exists in the MySQL Performance Schema. If you enable or disable that instrument, DPA will not change it.
If you specified a privileged user to create the DPA monitoring user, the Allow EXPLAIN to be run on section is displayed. Select what type of statements you want DPA to collect execution plans for. The monitoring user can run
on the selected statement types. -
Review the information and click Register Database Instance.
When the registration is complete, click Finish to return to the DPA home page.
The scripts are not supported under any SolarWinds support program or service. The scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. SolarWinds further disclaims all warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The risk arising out of the use or performance of the scripts and documentation stays with you. In no event shall SolarWinds or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the scripts or documentation.