Documentation forStorage Resource Monitor

Performance Summary

This widget displays stacked performance metric charts for the selected storage object. Move the cursor over the chart to compare values for all metrics for a specific polling time.

These charts show totals for each metric: click the gray triangle to expand, showing individual charts for read, write and other metrics.

Click on the label of a metric to open as its own widget.

IOPS The number of Input/output operations per second for the selected device.

The time required to process a single input/output transaction. This is from the receipt of the input/output request to the request being acknowledged.

Because of the way data is made available by some arrays, this metric is not displayed for all arrays.

Throughput The amount of data transferred per second.
IO Size The average size of an input-output operation. This is calculated as the number of transferred bytes divided by the number of input/output operations.
R/W IOPS Ratio

The ratio of read to write operations on this object.

Because of the way data is made available by some arrays, this metric is not displayed for all arrays.

Cache Hit Ratio

The ratio of cache hits to misses, expressed as a percentage.

  • A cache hit is when data requested for processing is found in cache memory
  • A cache miss is when data requested for processing is not found in cache memory

Because of the way data is made available by some arrays, this metric is not displayed for all arrays.

Utilization This value represents how busy a storage controller is, showing an average of utilization across all the cores of the storage processor.

You can display performance data for the last hour, the last 12 hours or the last 24 hours using the Zoom buttons or set the start and end points from the historical data selection to select a custom period.

All performance data in SRM for storage arrays and pools are aggregated from the associated LUNs. SRM does not take into account snapshot performance data.

Click Edit to customize the Performance Summary widget. You can:

  • Change the title and subtitle of the widget.
  • Change the default zoom range, the amount of historical data (up to one year), and the sample interval for summarizing data.
  • Add an additional title and subtitle to the chart.