Documentation forStorage Resource Monitor

Array Polling Details

This widget displays Capacity, Performance, and Topology polling details for the selected array or cluster.

Capacity / Performance / Topology / Controller Interval

The interval between polls for each polling type.

Last Capacity / Performance / Topology / Controller Poll Time

The date and time this array or cluster was last polled.

  • If Last Poll Time is displayed in black, SRM was able to poll data in the defined interval.
  • If Last Poll Time is displayed in red, SRM has not been able to poll data within the defined interval.

    This can be the result of the polling interval being set below that recommended by the device vendor, or else there may be a connectivity issue.

  • If "Waiting for first poll" is displayed in black instead of a date and time, the first poll of data since the array or cluster was added is in progress.
  • If "Waiting for first poll" is displayed in red instead of a date and time, no successful poll of data has occurred since the storage array or cluster was added, and the polling interval has passed.
Array Licensed If this array is covered by the SRM license.

Click Manage to display the Edit storage object properties in SRM page for this array or cluster.

Click Edit to customize:

  • Change the title and subtitle.