Documentation forStorage Resource Monitor

Array Status widget in SRM

For Net App Clusters or Vservers, this is labeled Cluster or Vserver Status.

This widget summarizes data metrics for the current array, cluster, or Vserver using the following charts:

Aggregate IOPS

The average number of input/output operations per second for the selected period for this array. A bar chart showing average IOPS for each hour in the selected period.

Click the label to open the IOPS Performance widget.

Average Throughput

Average throughput in kilobytes per second for the selected period for this array. A bar chart shows the average throughput for each hour in the selected period.

Click the label to open the Throughput Performance widget.

Usable Capacity Fill chart showing total useable capacity on this array, and the percentage currently being used.
NAS Capacity Fill chart showing the total NAS capacity, if any NAS volumes are present on this array, and the percentage currently being used.

The Aggregate IOPS and Average Throughput bar charts can display performance data for the last hour, the last 12 hours, or the last 24 hours using the Zoom buttons.

All performance values in SRM for Arrays and Pools are aggregated from LUNs. Note that SRM does not take into account LUN Snapshot performance data.

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