What is the capacity dashboard?
The default capacity dashboard gives you a snapshot of the state of your storage objects, showing current and projected capacity by storage object type.
Go to My Dashboards > Storage > Capacity Dashboards.
Storage objects that are at the highest risk of running out of space display at the top of the widget and provide details of when each resource is predicted to reach warning (>90%), critical (>95%), and total (100%) capacity levels. These threshold levels cannot be altered.
In the image below, you can see:
- Three VSERVERs at 100% capacity
- A NAS volume is 97.4% full and likely to reach total capacity within five years
- A LUN is 93.7% full and likely to reach total capacity within five years
Sparkline charts showing growth trends over the last 7 days are also displayed.
This information helps you plan storage capacity now and for the future.
Other widgets on the capacity dashboard show capacity data by object type, for Thick and Thin provisioned storage objects.
Thick provisioning: storage capacity is pre-allocated when the object is set up.
Thin provisioning: capacity is allocated on an as-needed basis, which avoids wasted physical capacity.
Because provisioning is set up when you set up your storage devices, you should refer to your vendor documentation for further information.
For example, the following Thin Storage Pool by Capacity widget shows that all storage pools are within threshold levels aside from Virtual Pool, which is showing a warning for Provisioned Capacity. It is projected not to run out of capacity for at least another year.
For further information on the other SRM widgets available on this and other storage dashboards, see the SRM Administrator Guide.