Set up the Applet
Click here for an overview on customizing Applets.
The Applet is used to access your customers' devices for one-time remote support requests. You can customize the Applet's appearance and behavior from the profile section of the Admin area. Create a name for the Applet that your customers will see prior to beginning a session, and enable or disable the initial form where your customers can enter additional info about their support request.
Customize the four different types of messages that are sent to your customers while the support request is being sent, or if a technician takes a long time to respond to a chat message. This is a great way to keep customers engaged prior to the beginning of a support session, and ensure them that a technician is on the way to assist with their issue. You can also create different warning messages for scenarios like when the internet connection drops during a support session, or when a calling card is about to expire.
- Select Profile > Applet setup.
- Navigate to the Settings tab to add your company name to the file name used by the applet. You can also add a department name to the file name of the applet, or configure the applet to automatically delete after a session ends.
- From Additional Settings, select whether to remove the desktop background automatically during support sessions, or to always run the applet with administrator privileges.
- Navigate to the Terms of Service tab, and select the Load Default option to use a default terms of service. Select if the terms of service is displayed when the applet starts, or automatically accepted after a specified time.
- Select the Initial Form tab to enable/disable, and customize the form your customers fill out when submitting a support request.
- Select Enable to activate or deactivate the Initial form.
- Select Submit Timeout and enter the time, in seconds, that the Initial Form is presented on your client’s screen.
- Select Reset timer on key press to allow clients to enter their data without worrying about the time limit. The clock resets after each keystroke.
- Select Enable custom field and enter its name.
- Configure which fields are required, and use a specific error message if a field is left blank.
- Select the Messages tab and enter the message displayed to your customer for each scenario.
- Navigate to the Warnings tab, click Add New and configure a Week Profile to set the days of the week you provide support to your clients.
- Click Enable in the Applet Closed section to specify a URL presented to your clients when the applet is closed.
- Click Enable in the No Connection section and enter a message that is displayed to your clients when the internet connection drops during a session.
- In the Calling Cards section, define the URLs presented to clients when their calling cards have expired or do not have any time left.
Save your changes after the setup is complete.