Documentation forDameware Remote Everywhere

Windows Agent release notes

These release notes describe the new features, improvements, and fixed issues in the Dameware Remote Everywhere Windows Agent.

The Windows Agent can be accessed via download from the Admin Area. The Admin Area can be accessed via web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, etc. Mobile components can be downloaded from either the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

7.50.13 - August 2024

General improvements

New improvements and bug fixes have been added to enhance overall performance and stability of DRE.

7.50.09 - August 2024

Support for Agent configuration templates

You can now create and deploy Windows Agent configurations into device groups in DRE. In the Admin Area, you can create Agent configuration templates in the Management > Agent Templates. Select Devices > Group and click Add Group to view the dropdown and select the configuration template.

You can also prevent changes to the Agent permissions for device groups that contain Configuration Templates.

Addition of session logs in the Viewer

Send local and remote logs using the Agent during an active session. Click Preferences in the Viewer to send logs that can aid in troubleshooting issues the end user is experiencing.

New session approval options

When a remote device is locked or the end user is not logged in, you can now choose between several new session approval actions.

7.50.08 - May 2024

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Improved verification in the Agent

The internal DRE Agent recovery processes have been upgraded to implement stricter verifications.

New guard interval for upgrades

The DRE Agent contains a new guard interval to prevent automatic upgrades from the Agent.

7.50.06 - February 2024

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View file transfer events in the Windows Event Viewer

The DRE Agent now logs file transfer events to the Windows Event Viewer with a list of relevant files created in the remote device.

Set Agent expiration dates past initial creation

Technicians with admin access can now set expiration dates for Windows Agent past the initial creation date. Navigate to the Admin Area to add, edit, or remove an expiration date from Agents at any point in time.

View local Agent settings

Technicians with admin access can now view currently applied settings to each Agent from the Admin Area. Quickly determine which settings need to be changed for each Agent, and whether they were set locally or remotely.

7.50.04 - December 2023

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Streamlined log file management

DRE now maintains, removes, and archives troubleshooting log files more efficiently.

Reinstalling the Agent

The automated process to reinstall the DRE Agent for end users has been enhanced and optimized.

View Agent uninstall events in the Windows Event Viewer

DRE now logs Agent uninstall events to the Windows Event Viewer along with the corresponding reason DRE initiated the uninstall process.

7.50.02 - October 2023

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Support for AzureAD credentials

Log into the DRE Windows Agent via Windows authentication with AzureAD credentials.

Credentials must be entered using one of the following formats:

  • AzureAD\
  • AAD\

Fixed issues

The DRE Agent no longer disconnects, displays warning messages, or fails to connect after multiple sessions with remote devices.

7.50.00 - August 2023

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Add logos and icons to Windows Agents and Applets

Use the Admin Area to add logos to your Windows Agents and Applets. Configure your logos by navigating to Profile > Identification and clicking on the Basic Information tab. You can set a general company logo (with dark and light theme options) and a secondary logo.

You can also customize the Windows system tray icon. The system tray icon configuration is accessible by navigating to Profile > Identification and clicking on the Basic Information tab.

New features and improvements as of April 2023

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Fixed issues

The DRE credentials service provider no longer causes a blank screen while loading on some devices.
Uploading logs from DRE into the Agent no longer changes the default permissions of log folders.

New features and improvements as of December 2022

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Fixed issues

The Windows clipboard does not copy and paste when Technicians have multiple sessions in use.

New features and improvements as of November 2022

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Fixed issues

The Windows clipboard does not clear after sequential copy and paste actions in the DRE Agent.

New features and improvements as of October 2022

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Improvements to audio permission control for end users

End users now have the option to accept or decline microphone access from Technicians requesting remote audio playback in the Viewer.

New features and improvements as of September 2022

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Improvements to the System Shell tab

Dameware Remote Everywhere now supports full interactivity within the command line interfaces. In the Viewer, the System Shell tab automatically loads with an interactive command prompt, with the additional option to open an interactive PowerShell interface.

Both the Windows Console and Windows Agent components must be running version 7.00.37 or higher to use this feature.

Fixed issues

After starting a remote session, the end user can now view the chat window after a chat has been initiated.

New features and improvements as of April 2022

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Fixed issues

The issue where users could not use special characters while submitting assistance requests has been resolved.

New features and improvements as of February 2022

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Requesting user permissions

Dameware Remote Everywhere now allows end users to permit or deny connections to their respective login screens during an active session.

New features and improvements as of December 2021

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Pre-session chatting

Dameware Remote Everywhere now has a chat feature in the Admin Area Devices pane for users who have a DRE Agent installed. Chats can be initiated without an active remote control session.

Push announcements to remote devices

Dameware Remote Everywhere now allows Technicians to push custom text announcements to devices with the Agent installed. Confirmation from end users can be set as required for urgent notifications.

Enhanced in-session notifications

Dameware Remote Everywhere now has the ability to add a red border around the screen during a remote session to indicate the session is active. Technicians also have the ability to configure notification pop-ups to close during an active session.

Security enhancement for trial accounts

Dameware Remote Everywhere now requires local authorization in order to push Agents run by trial accounts.

Fixed issues

The issue with the credentials provider module disabling the Agent has been resolved. Now, only the application that the credentials fail within is disabled.
The issue with the credentials provider .dll file remaining after uninstalling the Agent has been resolved.
The issue with the Agent disconnecting and being unreachable by end users has been resolved.

New features and improvements as of November 2021

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Improved pre-installation support

Dameware Remote Everywhere now contains an install switch that allows installation without automated registration until triggered by log-in, log-off, or restart actions.

Fixed issues

The detection of elevation failures has been improved. The recovery process is no longer elevated.
The port forward functionality has been enhanced.
The Agent now flags communication interruptions, which can be accessed through the Admin Area in Devices > Groups.

New features and improvements as of July 2021

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New signed N-Able binaries

As part of the split from SolarWinds, the Agent now contains binaries signed by N-Able.

New features and improvements as of May 2020

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Improved German translation

The German translations have been further improved and perfected to enhance the user experience for German-speaking customers.

Improved DPI handling

High-DPI scaling has been improved to create a more responsive application, regardless of monitor size, according to users' needs.

Fixed issues

The chat window did not display the cursor or written text when the window was minimized by the remote user. Now, the remote user can view the cursor and written text while the chat window is minimized.
When a Technician attempted access to a remote device, the end user would receive a pop-up requesting to close the session. Now, the end user is asked to allow access to the device rather than closing the session.
The option "Send CTRL + ALT + DEL" would intermittently disappear under the Remote Desktop menu. Now, the option is always visible and can be deployed as desired.

New features and improvements as of March 2020

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Mass management of settings on installed Agents

Users in charge of multiple Agents using Unattended access can now deploy settings to these existing Agents without reinstalling the software. This feature enables users to dial up security settings and ensure that compliance sensitive settings cannot be administratively disabled.

New features and improvements as of July 2019

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In-session video calling

Technicians now have a Start Video Call option once a session is established. This option allows VoIP calls with a two-way exchange of voice and video streaming through video conferencing.

Use an alternate TCP port

Technicians can now use TCP port 3377 instead of port 443 as an alternate communication with the gateways. This allows technicians to bypass DPI filters that potentially flag DRE as suspicious.

Ability to blank remote screens

Technicians now have the option to blank the remote screen based on modifying the gamma values.

Legal Notices

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