Documentation forWeb Performance Monitor

Does WPM support FIPS 140-2?

It's important to understand that WPM is not a fully FIPS-compliant product because some of its components, namely WPM Recorder and WPM Browser, are not not FIPS compliant by design. These components are based on the Chromium engine, which is not FIPS compliant.

If FIPS compliance is critical to your business, you have the option of deactivating (as well as activating) WPM in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console License Manager. In addition, both the WPM Recorder installer and the WPM Player installer include steps that inform you that they are not fully FIPS-compliant products. The installers require your consent to proceed with installation. You can install or uninstall WPM Recorder or WPM Player in an environment with FIPS mode enabled. See this topic for information on activating or deactivating WPM in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console License Manager.

FIPS non-compliance acknowledgments in the WPM Recorder and the WPM Player

The WPM Recorder installer informs you that the WPM Recorder is not fully FIPS compliant. It requires you to acknowledge that non-compliant products are acceptable in your environment before you can continue the installation. If you do install and run the WPM Recorder in a FIPS mode-enabled environment, you are prompted to verify that you understand that WPM Recorder is not FIPS compliant and that you wish to continue to run the application anyway. If you select No, the WPM Recorder application closes.

Similarly, the WPM Player installer informs you that the WPM Player is not fully FIPS compliant and requires you to acknowledge that non-compliant products are acceptable in your environment to proceed with the installation.

FIPS non-compliance acknowledgments in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console

Starting with SolarWinds Platform 2024.2, the SolarWinds Platform Web Console Transaction Summary page includes a FIPS compliance warning widget about WPM. From this widget, you can navigate to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console License Manager and deactivate your WPM license if desired.

In the SolarWinds Platform Web Console License Manager, you are also required to either select Yes to acknowledge understanding that WPM is not fully FIPS compliant, or No to close the WPM application.