Documentation forWeb Performance Monitor

Learn about the WPM Recorder configuration file

Changes to WPM Recorder can be made in the RecorderSettings.dat, located at: %ProgramData%/Solarwinds/SEUM/Data/.

This file will be automatically created during the first run of WPM Recorder after installing or reinstalling WPM and will not be recreated nor removed during product upgrades. If you uninstall WPM, the RecorderSettings.dat file will be removed during the uninstall process.

However, if any custom changes were made before upgrading WPM Recorder, you will need to manually upgrade/migrate the content of the config.yaml file and WPMRecorder.exe.config file properties to RecorderSettings.dat.

Recorder configuration settings

The RecorderSettings.dat file includes the following customizable settings.

  • On Windows, the file is located at: %ProgramData%/Solarwinds/SEUM/Data/.
  • On macOS, the file is located at: /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/WPMRecorder/RecorderSettings.dat.


The URL to your proxy server.



The lowest Transport Layer Security version. By default, the value is tls1.2, which is recommended version, but tls1.3 is also supported.



Allows the recorder to interact and record iFrame content on a page when the value is set to True. By default, the value is False.



Command line switches supported by Electron that can modify the function of a command. For a complete list of available switches, see Supported Command Line Switches.

  <!-- <switch>2&gt;&amp;1</switch> -> 2>&1 example of how to handle special chars -->


Includes or excludes extensions from DefaultWellKnownFileExtensions list, allowing for a change of what extensions can be found in the URL that the WPM Recorder will use to execute navigation. If the extension is found in the URL, the WPM Recorder will try to download the resource as a file instead of loading it in the browser. WPM includes a predefined list of MIME types as DefaultWellKnownFileExtensions listed below.

DefaultWellKnownFileExtensions: [
    "aac", "abw", "arc", "avif", "avi", "azw", "bin", "bmp", "bz",
    "bz2", "cda", "csh", "css", "csv", "doc", "docx", "eot", "epub",
    "gz", "gif", "ico", "ics", "jar", "jpeg", "jpg",
    "js", "json", "jsonld", "mid", "midi", "mjs", "mp3", "mp4", "mpeg",
    "mpkg", "odp", "ods", "odt", "oga", "ogv", "ogx", "opus", "otf", "png",
    "pdf", "ppt", "pptx", "rar", "rtf", "sh", "svg", "tar", "tif", "tiff",
    "ts", "ttf", "txt", "vsd", "wav", "weba", "webm", "webp", "woff", "woff2",
    "xls", "xlsx", "xml", "xul", "zip", "3gp", "3g2", "7z",
    // 'htm', 'html', 'xhtml', 'php', // excluded from original list
    "exe", "dll", "lib", "msi", "cert", // added manually
    "recording", "web-recording", // WPM extensions

For a full list of extensions, see Common MIME types.


Probe configuration settings

Probe configuration settings are used by the probe process, which is started by the WPM Recorder.


The similarity ratio of the image match action. The value can be set between 0-1 and 0.99 is the default value. For more information, see Use Image Match in the WPM recordings and Image Classification using SSIM.



The number of pixels where the image match action will stop scrolling horizontally when attempting to find the image. The recommended maximum is 100.



The number of pixels where the image match action will stop scrolling vertically when attempting to find the image. The recommended maximum is 100.



The number of seconds the recorder will search for a page element requiring an action before timing out. The recommended maximum value is 5 seconds.



The number of seconds the recorder will wait before trying again to find the page element. The recommended maximum value is 5 seconds.



The number of seconds the recorder waits for the page to load after the initiating navigation to a page. The recommended maximum value is 10 seconds.




The number of seconds the recorder will attempt to execute JavaScripts on a website during playback. The recommended maximum value is 30 seconds.


Example content of RecorderSettings.dat

      <!-- <switch>2&gt;&amp;1</switch> -> 2>&1 example of how to handle special chars -->

See also: