Documentation forWeb Performance Monitor

Top XX Transactions by Duration chart

The Top XX Transactions by Duration chart on the Location Details page shows the amount of time an entire transaction took to complete.

This chart is interactive. Hover over any part of the chart to display detailed information about a transaction.

A list of the transactions appears below the chart, showing the current and average duration of each transaction. (The average is calculated using the selected amount of historical data loaded.) Click any transaction to display its Transaction Details view.


Use the Zoom buttons to display data for 1 hour, 12 week, or 24 hours, or use the slider handles below the chart to create your own period. You can move the selected period to any point in the available data range using the slider bar.

Available customization

Click Edit to change the following widget attributes:


The title and the subtitle of the widget.

Maximum Number of Items to Display

Specify the maximum number of items to display in the widget.

Filter (SWQL)

Enter a SolarWinds Query Language (SWQL) query using transaction properties to limit the scope of transaction monitors shown in this widget.

To learn more about SWQL, see:

Properties available for filtering

Click [+] to expand the list of transaction properties you can use in the Filter (SWQL) field.