Documentation forWeb Performance Monitor

Duration - Radial Gauge

This widget shows the current duration of the transaction or step as a radial gauge.

Available customization

Click Edit to change the following widget attributes:


The title and the subtitle of the widget.

Gauge Range

Select a method for determining the largest value the gauge can indicate:

  • Dynamic: You provide a series of indicator ranges, and the limit that is chosen is the one that best fits the highest value seen in the data. Enter your comma-delimited series of custom limits in the Limits for Dynamic Range in Seconds field.
  • Static: Define the largest indicated value in the Maximal Value in Seconds field.
  • Thresholds dependent: Defines the largest indicated value by multiplying the highest threshold duration by a multiplier. Enter the multiplier in the Upper Threshold Multiplier field.

If there are no thresholds defined, the dynamic method is used.

Select Style for Gauges

Select a style for the gauge. Alternately, you can click on Available Styles and click on the image of the required gauge type.

Gauge Size 30% to 250%

This field contains the scaling percentage of the gauge display. You can enter a scaling factor from 30 to 250. 100 is the default scaling value.

Available Styles

Click the [+] to see the available styles for gauges.