Cancel a Loggly Account
Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, Loggly shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate Loggly and access its features may vary from these instructions.
Cancel a user account
A user's access to Loggly is managed by its membership to organizations with active Loggly subscriptions. To be able to access Loggly features, a user must be a member of at least one organization with an active subscription to Loggly.
In most scenarios, there is no need to cancel a user's account since their access to the organization and its data can be revoked via user management. However, if there is a need to delete a user's account, make sure the user is not a member of another organization that has an active subscription to any SolarWinds Application Management products (Loggly, AppOptics, Loggly, or Papertrail) and contact support.
Cancel a Loggly product trial
Trial subscriptions do not need to be canceled. If you have not converted your subscription to a paid plan, once your trial expires your organization's subscription will automatically be deactivated and no action is needed from you.
Cancel a Loggly subscription
Only an owner or administrator can cancel a subscription to Loggly. Canceling a subscription removes access to the product for your entire organization. Your organization and its members will still exist and be able to access the other SolarWinds Application Management products with active subscriptions.
To cancel a subscription, access the Subscription Page in your Log settings and scroll to the Deactivate Loggly section. Select the reason for canceling your subscription, fill out any requested information, and select Submit. Carefully read the confirmation message to ensure you fully understand the impact of deleting the account. For each consequence listed, select the check box to confirm you understand and click Delete. At the end of your billing period, you and your organization's users will lose access to Loggly and you will no longer be billed for access to Loggly.
Cancel an organization
To stop using SolarWinds Application Management products and remove access to the products and data for all users of an organization, cancel all active product subscriptions. If, however, you need to delete an organization and its data, contact support.