Documentation forLoggly


Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, Loggly shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate Loggly and access its features may vary from these instructions.

Loggly’s SaaS offering means that you can pay monthly, as a subscription service billed via credit card. This gives our customers power to change or terminate the service at any time. You should choose a paid plan before the 30th day of trial. Billing will start billing you on the 15th day of service. From there, we’ll bill you every month on your signup anniversary day.

Annual Plans

Loggly offers a reduced rate for prepaying for a one-year service contract. Refunds aren’t available for annual contracts. The annual plans can be billed either through credit card or invoice. For more information on annual plans, please contact our sales team.

Credit Card Update Instructions

Credit card update can be made by the account owner only.  To access the billing screen:

  • Click on the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner and choose "Subscription"
  • Enter the new credit card information in the "Update Billing Information" box
  • Ensure the billing address matches the credit card statement to avoid authorization issues
  • Contact to manually retry a past due charge or for any questions