Monitor devices with NPM using THWACK community pollers
Apart from creating your own Device Studio pollers, you can also import pollers provided by contributors of the THWACK community.
The THWACK community pollers are available in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console under Manage Pollers > THWACK Community Pollers. The list is updated automatically every 30 minutes, and it contains the device pollers that have been made available on THWACK, under Network Performance Monitor > NPM Content Exchange > Device Pollers > Documents.
You can group the available pollers according to tags, author, or technology. Click the name of a device poller to view the description of the poller.
To verify whether a poller suits your specific device, test the poller before importing it.
Test THWACK Device pollers
- Select the THWACK community poller from the list, and click Test Device Poller.
- Type your THWACK credentials, and click Submit.
- Select an SNMP node for testing, and click Test Poller.
After the test is finished, you can directly assign the device poller to the test node.
Import Device pollers from THWACK
- Select the THWACK community poller from the list, and click Import Device Poller.
- Type your THWACK user credentials, and click Submit.
- After the import is finished, the poller will be available in the Local Poller Library, and you can assign it to a device. For more information, see Assign Device Studio pollers to monitored devices.
If the poller was already imported earlier, you can either overwrite the existing poller, or create a new one.
Import THWACK community pollers to an environment without Internet connection
The THWACK community pollers are only updated automatically if you have a working Internet connection. To import THWACK community pollers to an environment that does not have an Internet connection, download the pollers from a computer which can access the Internet, save them to a portable drive or a USB drive, and import them manually.
Export Device Studio pollers to the THWACK community
- On the Manage Pollers screen, click the Local Poller Library tab, and select a poller.
You can export Device Studio pollers that you created, but you cannot export pollers that are provided by SolarWinds.
- Click Export, and select Export to Thwack.
- Type your THWACK user credentials, and click Submit.
If you already logged in to THWACK from the SolarWinds Platform Web Console during the same session, you do not have to enter your credentials again, and the Device Studio poller will be exported immediately.
The Device Studio poller will be available on THWACK, in the Network Performance Monitor > NPM Content Exchange > Device Pollers > Documents section.