Monitor custom statistics based on OIDs with Universal Device Pollers in the NPM
SolarWinds Universal Device Poller (UnDP) is a customization feature of NPM. With UnDP, you can create custom monitors for almost any statistic provided by SNMP based on its Management Information Base (MIB) and object identifier (OID).
With Universal Device Poller, you can monitor:
- Interface traffic
- CPU temperature
- Addressing errors
- UPS battery status
- Current connections to a website
Before you start configuring UnDPs
- Consult your vendor documentation, and find out which OID you want to monitor.
- Create a list of nodes that you want to poll the custom statistic on.
UnDPs do not collect data from Orion Failover Engine or Hot Standby Engines. If a NPM server fails, data collection for any Universal Device Pollers stops on the server.
UnDPs are tied to the polling engine on which they are hosted. If you move a monitored node from one polling engine to another, you must also move the UnDP poller.
Configure custom pollers for monitoring (Admin)
- Define a custom statistic to monitor in the NPM
- Select NPM nodes or interfaces to poll a custom statistic
- Transform poller results in the SolarWinds Platform
- View UnDP status on Network Atlas maps.
- View Universal Device Poller statistics
- Create pollers by duplicating and adjusting pollers
- Export UnDP pollers from NPM
- Define UnDP Warning and Critical thresholds
- Temporarily suspend collecting statistics for pollers