Bind a self-signed certificate to prevent warnings during installation of the Dameware client agent
The Dameware Internet Proxy installs and binds a self-signed certificate to port 443 for secure communication between the Dameware applications and Dameware agents. If a certificate is already bound to the port, Dameware does not install the self-signed certificate.
Users who do not have the Dameware Mini Remote Control client agent installed on their computers are prompted to download and install either an Internet Session agent or a Dameware Mini Remote Control client agent from the Dameware Internet Proxy. If you use the self-signed certificate, your users encounter security warnings during the download and installation process.
To prevent these security warnings, install and bind a certificate from a certificate authority to port 443 or your designated Dameware Internet Proxy port.
After you have received your certificate from a third party certificate authority, log into the Dameware Internet
Proxy computer as an administrator.
The 3rd party certificate must have a private key on it.
. - Copy the certificate to the personal and trusted root certification authentication folder.
- Double-click the copied certificate, and click Install certificate.
. - Stop the Dameware Server service.
- Open a command line prompt, and run the following command to remove the existing certificate:
netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
If you use a port number other than 443, enter that port number.
- In the Certificate Manager, view the details of the certificate you installed, and copy the certificate hash.
- In the command line prompt, run the following command to bind the certificate to the port:
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash={certificate_hash} appid={appid-formated_number} certstorename=root
If you use a port number other than 443, enter that port number.
- Replace certificate_hash with the certificate hash you copied and replace appid-formated_number with a number in the appid format, such as {00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF}.
- Start the Dameware Server service.