Registry settings for Kiwi Syslog Server
This documentation is for legacy Kiwi Syslog Server versions 9.8.3 and older.
The registry values listed below can be used to affect the operation of Kiwi Syslog Server.
Best practices
Before you make changes to the registry:
- Back up the registry.
- Make sure that Kiwi Syslog Server is not running. If you are using the Service edition, stop the Syslogd service.
Use RegEdit to view and change registry values.
After you update registry values, restart Kiwi Syslog Server to ensure that your changes take effect.
Available settings
The following registry settings are available. Click any setting for details.
Setting | Specifies |
DisplayColumnsEnabled | Which columns are shown on the Kiwi Syslog Service Manager display. |
DisplayRowHeight | The row height (in pixels) on the Kiwi Syslog Service Manager display. |
MailStatsDeliveryTime | What time the daily statistics email is sent. |
ServiceStartTimeout | How long (in seconds) the Service Manager waits for a Service Start or Service Stop request to complete. |
ServiceUpdateTimeout | How long (in seconds) the Service Manager waits for a Properties Update request to complete. |
NTServiceSocket | The port used by the Manager part of Kiwi Syslog Server to connect to the Service. |
NTServiceDependencies | Services that need to start before the Syslogd service. |
DebugStart | Whether debug mode is enabled. |
DNSDisableWaitWhenBusy | How full the input message buffer can get before disabling the DNS resolution waiting. |
DNSCacheMaxSize | The size of the cache buffer. |
DNSCacheFailedLookups | Failed lookups to cache to Improve DNS name resolution performance. |
DNSSetupQueueBufferBurstCoefficient | The number of DNS/NetBIOS requests that will be dequeued from the internal queue buffer at once. |
DNSSetupQueueBufferClearRate | The rate at which the DNS/NetBIOS internal queue buffer is cleared. |
DNSSetupQueueLimit | The DNS/NetBIOS internal queue buffer size. |
DNSSetupDebugModeOn | Whether verbose debug mode is enabled. |
MsgBufferSize | The maximum number of message buffer entries. |
MailAdditionalSubjectText | A text string added to the beginning of the e-mail subject for daily statistics and alarm e-mails. |
MailAdditionalBodyText | An additional line of text included in the daily statistics and alarm e-mails. |
MailMaxMessageSend | The maximum number of email messages that are sent per minute. |
File write caching settings | Values that enable and configure file write caching. |
LogFileDateSeparator | The separation character used in dates. |
LogFileTimeSeparator | The default separation character used in times. |
LogFileEncodingFormat | The encoding format used to write messages to log files. |
ScriptEditor | The script editor to be launched when you click the Edit Script button. |
ScriptTimeout | The timeout value for scripts. |
DBCommandTimeout | The timeout value for logging messages to a database. |
ArchiveFileReplacementChr | The replacement character for invalid characters in dates that are not valid in file names. |
ArchiveFileSeparator | The separator character placed between the existing file name and the current system date and time when files are archived. |
UseOldArchiveNaming | The default Scheduled Archive Task archive naming convention for Single Zip Archives. |
ArchiveTempPath | The default temp folder used by Kiwi Syslog Server's archiver. |
EnableArchiveTempFile | The default Scheduled Archive Task archiving behavior. |
ErrorLogFolder | The location of the errorlog.txt file where operational errors are logged. |
MailLogFolder | The location of the SendMailLog.txt file where mail activity is logged. |
KRDPACKTimer | The interval of the TCP_ACK protocol's acknowledgment timer. |
KRDPKeepAliveTimer | The interval between the sending of Keep Alive messages to of the connected sessions. |
KRDPCacheFolder | The location of the disk cache files. |
KRDPRxDebug | Whether the debug log file for KRDP receive events is enabled or disabled. |
KRDPTxDebug | Whether the debug log file for KRDP send events is enabled or disabled. |
KRDPQueueSize | The size of the message queues used to buffer the KRDP and TCP messages. |
KRDPQueueMaxMBSize | The maximum size (in MB) of the memory queue. |
KRDPAutoConnect | Whether the KRDP and TCP senders will try to automatically connect to the remote host. |
KRDPSendSpeed | The maximum number of messages that can be sent per second. |
KRDPIdleTimeout | The time the sending socket will remain connected after the last message has been sent. |
KRDPAddSeqToMsgText | Whether the KRDP listener adds the received sequence number to the end of the message text. |
ProcessPriority | The priority setting in Windows for the syslogd service. |
OriginalAddressStartTag and OriginalAddressEndTag | The start and end tags for the original sender's address. |
MaxRuleCount | The maximum number of rules. |
DBLoggerCacheClearRate | The rate (in milliseconds) at which the Database Cache is checked for SQL data to be executed. |
DBLoggerCacheTimeout | The maximum age (in days) of an unchanged cache file. |
DBLoggerCacheDisable | Whether the default database caching behavior is overridden. |
HostNosToDisplay | The number of hosts to display in the statistics report. |
OriginalAddressPacketSniffing | The option for WinpCap or NpCap for packet spoofing. |