Documentation forIP Address Manager
Managing IP addresses is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. IP Address Manager (IPAM) is also available in a standalone module.

Search for IP addresses in IPAM

Use the Search for IP Address widget to search multiple fields within your SolarWinds database for addresses managed with IPAM.

  1. Click My Dashboards > IP Addresses > IPAM Summary.

  2. On the Search for IP Address widget, select the field or fields to search in. You can select a single field, multiple fields or All Fields. The defaults are Alias, Hostname, IP Address, Dual Stack IPv6 Address and System Name.

    From IPAM 4.8, you can also search IPAM using the Search IPAM field in the upper right of the Manage Subnets & IP Addresses screen.

  3. Enter a string or IP address to search for, and click Search.

    Wildcards (*,?) are permitted, as shown in the following examples:

    • Cisco*
    • 10.15.*.*
    • W?ndows
    • Server-*
    • *

    The IP Address Search page is displayed, listing the IP addresses that match your criteria.

  4. Click a subnet or address to open the Manage Subnet & IP Addresses page with that subnet or IP address selected. From the IP Address view, you can click View Details to see the details page, or edit properties and set the status of the selected subnet or IP address.