Create subnets
Create subnets within selected subnets, supernets, and groups directly from the Manage Subnets & IP Addresses page.
You can also add multiple subnets using the Bulk Add Subnets.
- Go to My Dashboards > IP Addresses > Manage Subnets & IP Addresses.
- Select the network, group, or supernet to which you want to add a subnet.
- Click Add > Subnet.
Click Add > Subnet Allocation wizard instead to create subnets within a designated supernet based on subnet size. See IPAM Subnet Allocation Wizard for more information.
- Enter a subnet name. If you leave this field empty, IPAM automatically generates a name based on the subnet address and CIDR prefix length provided.
- Provide a subnet address and a CIDR prefix length for the subnet.
See IPAM concepts and terminology for more information about CIDR and subnet addressing.
- (Optional) provide a description, VLAN ID, or location for the subnet.
- If you have defined custom properties for subnets, or want to create them, you can do so here.
- If you do not want IPAM to automatically scan this subnet for changes, select Disable Automatic Scanning.
- Select the scan interval, or use the default period of 4 hours.
- For information on using neighbor scanning to retrieve information on currently unresponsive devices within this subnet, see Neighbor scanning in IPAM
- For information on setting a transient period for IP addresses in this subnet, see Configure subnet scan settings manually.
- After you have configured the subnet, click Save.
You can drag and drop subnets into other groups and supernets to organize your network.
You cannot move subnets between Hierarchy groups.