Documentation forIP Address Manager
Managing IP addresses is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. IP Address Manager (IPAM) is also available in a standalone module.

Create subnets

Create subnets within selected subnets, supernets, and groups directly from the Manage Subnets & IP Addresses page.

You can also add multiple subnets using the Bulk Add Subnets.

  1. Go to My Dashboards > IP Addresses > Manage Subnets & IP Addresses.
  2. Select the network, group, or supernet to which you want to add a subnet.
  3. Click Add > Subnet.
  4. Click Add > Subnet Allocation wizard instead to create subnets within a designated supernet based on subnet size. See IPAM Subnet Allocation Wizard for more information.

  5. Enter a subnet name. If you leave this field empty, IPAM automatically generates a name based on the subnet address and CIDR prefix length provided.
  6. Provide a subnet address and a CIDR prefix length for the subnet.

    See IPAM concepts and terminology for more information about CIDR and subnet addressing.

  7. (Optional) provide a description, VLAN ID, or location for the subnet.
  8. If you have defined custom properties for subnets, or want to create them, you can do so here.
  9. If you do not want IPAM to automatically scan this subnet for changes, select Disable Automatic Scanning.
  10. Select the scan interval, or use the default period of 4 hours.
  11. For information on using neighbor scanning to retrieve information on currently unresponsive devices within this subnet, see Neighbor scanning in IPAM
  12. For information on setting a transient period for IP addresses in this subnet, see Configure subnet scan settings manually.
  13. After you have configured the subnet, click Save.

You can drag and drop subnets into other groups and supernets to organize your network.

You cannot move subnets between Hierarchy groups.